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"I should really get this done by tonight." Penelope mumbled under her breath.

She packed her notebooks in her backpack, knowing that if she really wanted to enjoy her long weekend, she needed to finish all her homework right away. There couldn't be any of her usual procrastinating.

Just as she was zipping up her bag, a large hand suddenly slammed her locker door shut. Penelope jumped and released a surprised breath but relaxed when she saw that it was only her boyfriend.

"You scared me" She giggled slightly, her eyes peering up at him from under her lashes.

The boy only smirked and placed one of his hands above the locker door, leaning down slightly so that his face could hover in front of her own.

"Really" He murmured, a playful glint twinkling in his eyes.

Penelope almost squealed when his lips were suddenly on her own. He knew that she didn't like PDA, and he always thought that it was because she was a shy and timid little thing; but now he knows that she enjoys it.

The stares, the whispers, and the thrill of acting so inappropriate when most times she was the poster girl for proper. She liked it all and he was more than happy to give it to her.

Although when a familiar head of curls was spotted in Penelope's peripheral, her eyes widened, and she pulled away.

Phoenix furrowed his brows and ran his fingers down her arms gently.

"What is it?" He asked; but then his lips quirked up in a small smirk. "Don't tell me you've gone all shy again."

Penelope didn't respond, only watching as Fiona shuffled by, both of the girls donning a flustered expression and sharing an awkward glance.

Phoenix rose a brow at the strange behaviour and pressed his index finger against her jaw to direct her focus back to him.

Penelope bit her lip and shook her head, letting her faun locks tickle her heated cheeks.

"S-sorry. What were you saying?"

The taller boy released an amused breath and stole her bag from her arms to sling it over his own shoulder.

"What was that between you two?"


Penelope choked on her breath; she'd almost forgotten that she didn't tell Phoenix about Fiona's...confession.

Almost a week had gone by since she and the girl had talked, the last time being when they delivered their final assignment. She supposed that the more time that passed, the more she was able to think about the entire situation.

The crushes weren't necessarily a bad thing—at least initially Penelope didn't think so. But the more she thought about it, lying in bed before she slept at night, she couldn't help but start to feel a bit more than awkward; rather, the girl's stomach ached as feelings of possession took over. It was the fact that Fiona held feelings, never mind how insignificant, towards her Norwegian that was unsettling.

Fiona was a beautiful girl and undoubtedly had a more interesting life and personality. This small, irrational part of Penelope's mind was confident that Phoenix would lose interest if he knew that such an eccentric girl longed for his attention.

Emphasis on small and irrational but somehow those thoughts managed to grip Penelope by the strings and control the otherwise rational girl.

Phoenix's lips downturned in a frown when he noticed the pink leave Penelope's cheeks and a faraway look overtake her gaze.

Phoenix: The Risen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now