D i n e r

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When Penelope and Phoenix entered the diner, it didn't take long for them to spot her friends. They were the most loud and chaotic group inside and Phoenix instinctively rolled his eyes at their immaturity.

"C'mon" Penelope urged enthusiastically, dragging Phoenix towards their table.

As she neared her friends, their voices quieted and Penelope frowned at their behaviour.

"I didn't think he would actually come." Owen mumbled under his breath.

Olivia gave him a look and Mike slapped his arm, causing him to cry out.

"What?" He whined.

"I'm going for a smoke." Phoenix announced- causing all eyes to fall on him.

"Let me come with you." Penelope offered in a rush. She honestly didn't want to stand by and be a victim to second hand smoke but she couldn't let him leave and be by himself.  She invited him out to have fun and already, thanks to her friends, she was sure that he was experiencing the opposite of that.

"Stay." Was all he said before walking off- not even bothering to leave the diner before lighting the cigarette.

Penelope watched him exit through the doors with a frown etched on her face. She turned to face her friends in disappointment.

"Why can't you guys just be nice to him." She said with furrowed brows and a pout.

Olivia slid over in the booth to make room for her to sit, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Elly but he's not someone that I see you hanging out with." Owen said, leaning back into the booth. "He seems...unstable."

Penelope rolled her eyes and crossed her arms at his ignorance.

"I thought we sorted this out already Owen. Just because he looks a little rough around the edges doesn't mean that he's a bad person."

At this point, a waitress came over to take their order.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked, whipping out her pen and notebook.

"Let's start with your number." Owen replied with a smirk, his eyes raking up her figure, only to focus on her generous chest.

"Ew" Penelope blurted with a scrunched up face.

The waitress laughed at her outburst, meanwhile Owen's smirk dissipated- leaving an unamused expression in it's place.

"I'll have a strawberry lemonade with your cheeseburger special." Olivia interrupted with a chuckle. "We've had time to look at the menu" 

After everyone placed their orders they resumed conversation as usual. Penelope though, was starting to get worried about Phoenix. She let him have 20 minutes to clear his head but leaving him out there by himself when she invited him was not a very nice thing to do.

"I'll be back guys, I'm gonna get Phoenix." She announced, getting up. "And when I come back, you all better be nice to him. I mean it." She said seriously.

The corner of Owen's mouth twitched , showing signs of his amusement but it settled into a thin line when Penelope gave him a look.

"I'll keep him in line, don't worry." Mike said, gripping Owen's shoulder tightly.

Penelope gave him a grateful smile before leaving the diner to search for Phoenix.

"He couldn't have gone far." She murmured to herself.

After standing in front of the diner for a minute, she decided to walk around the building instead of standing there looking like an idiot.

She walked along the side of the diner and she let out a relieved breath when she spotted his figure. As she neared him though, she was surprised to see another person with him. They were talking.

Phoenix: The Risen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now