S h o t s

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"Penelope I'm serious." Phoenix said while the smaller girl gave a pout.

The two were in Penelope's living room, cuddling on the couch.

"I don't like missing out on things. I have bad fomo."

Phoenix furrowed his brows and his nose scrunched up in confusion.


"Fear of missing out. Fomo." She giggled, her fingers continuing to play with his hair from her place on his lap.

Phoenix rolled his eyes and tightened his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to his chest.


"Olivia really wants me to go and I would feel bad if I left her alone. Plus it actually sounds like it would b-"

Phoenix firmly grasped the back of her neck and tilted her head so that she could focus her eyes on him.

"Be good and listen to me. Can you do that?"

Penelope swallowed at his tone. Although a big part of her wanted to do what he said and be compliant, she really did want to have fun tomorrow night!

After a short pause she spoke.


Phoenix rose a brow in slight surprise.


Penelope shook her head to confirm her answer, her heartbeat picking up in anticipation of his response.

Phoenix twirled a strand of her hair, his eyes watching hers.

"So you don't want to be my good girl anymore?"

Penelope flushed red and stuttered as she tried to respond. She knew he said that to garner her exact reaction.

"I-I yes? I mean n-no!"

She could feel his chest vibrate as he laughed at her.

"Good girls get rewards baby. But I don't think you'll be getting anything."

"W-wait! What's the reward?" She asked with wide eyes. Would this be worth missing the party?

"You'll find out."

"This isn't convincing me Nix." She said with a slight frown. "Why can't you just come with me? It'll be just like last time! Minus a few things." An embarrassed laugh following her statement.

"I have plans."


"I'm meeting up with a friend." Phoenix stated vaguely.

"The same one as this morning?"

"Yes, that one."

Penelope pouted and crossed her arms childishly.

"Why are you allowed to hang out with your friends but I can't?"

"Because I said so."

Phoenix: The Risen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now