T o u c h

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Penelope and Phoenix arrived at the door of their art class with their hands still attached. As she went to pull her hand away before entering the room, the larger and stronger palm tightened its grip around her small one dominantly.

She flushed and looked down at her shoes while he knocked on the door.

"Late again, Mrs Sanders?"

The teacher questioned with a disapproving frown.

"I didn't mind yesterday because it was the first day of class but please don't make this a habit."

Penelope snapped her head up to the teacher and went to stutter out a response.

She was never late to a class twice in a row. Other tardies were excused by her mother.

"It was my fault; Penelope was showing me around the school. I'm new here."

Phoenix really didn't care what time he showed up to class but it seemed to bother her a lot so he didn't mind stepping in.

Yet another nice gesture for the overly friendly girl.

At his response the teacher's ears reddened and a soft, understanding smile replaced the disappointed scowl that was once on her face.

"Well in that case, absence excused Mrs Sanders." She spoke while looking at Penelope.

Her eyes then flickered up to the taller boy beside her.

"And welcome to Charwell High..." She trailed off, not remembering his name.

"Phoenix." He mumbled, before pulling Penelope into the classroom.

When the two entered the room it seemed as if everyone had overheard their conversation.

Students were in shock that Phoenix had spoken and willingly nonetheless. They were even more surprised that he had taken a friend at the school. The new boy had left a lasting impression, which screamed "don't talk to me". And to see that the school's sweetheart was the exception to this, was unexpected.

Penelope gave a small smile and waved to Mark, who had a smug look on his face, while allowing Phoenix to guide her to the back of the classroom.

He took her bag from her shoulders and placed it on the ground in front of her desk, before wordlessly doing the same and fitting his large frame in the chair.

Penelope bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling at the kind albeit small gesture. She gave a quiet thanks and sat herself in the seat next to him, turning her attention to the teacher at the front.


"Phoenix wait!" Penelope called out.

The class had just ended and unlike the first period, the white-haired boy had packed up his things without giving another glance at the doe-eyed brunette.

She quickened her pace as she saw him move towards the door but she wasn't quick enough and ended up fast walking to catch up to him down the hall.

As she reached him her cheeks were flushed from all the energy she exerted and her hair was a little messy from the speed she had maintained to get there.

After catching her breath she smiled up at the taller boy.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" She questioned with a shy smile crawling on her face.

Phoenix's jaw twitched at the sight of the beautiful girl that just reached the high point of his chest.

He had planned to head home for lunch like he had been for the past few days. That was the only time he didn't mind being in his own apartment. When it was empty.

Phoenix: The Risen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now