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Some smut for my hoes.

Enjoy ;)


Penelope bit the inside of her cheek at Phoenix's touch, but pushed at his chest, letting him fall on his side.

"Stop it" She breathed meekly, her cheeks red and rosy.

She stood up from the bed and walked over to the first aid kit, trying to distract herself from his penetrating gaze.  She heard him shuffle around a bit before his feet hit the floor, and she peered over her shoulder to see that he was opening his "weed box."

Penelope shook her head and turned to continue selecting items from the bag so that she could clean his wounds.

"Okay, I think I have everything."

She walked over to the other side of the room where Phoenix was now lighting the joint, his frame resting lazily against the windowpane.

His eyes followed her every move, softening as she fussed over him and examined his knuckles tenderly. Still, such gentleness was foreign to him; she treated him like he was important— like he had worth. It was unfathomable that she could see him as anything more than a ticking time bomb.  He was literally covered in her friend's blood.

Phoenix inhaled the smoke, still watching as she dabbed at the red that stained his skin. It was getting on her hands too, tainting the pure, creamy complexion and he hated it. He knew that she was too nice to admit that she disliked it too.

She had every right to be upset, but she didn't seem to be; he abhorred the thought of it though—her being upset with him. It was selfish to admit, but he needed to know that she wasn't.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked hesitantly.

Penelope paused her ministrations and looked up at him with a questioning hum.

Wide, curious eyes locked on his blues expectantly, and she tilted her head when he didn't repeat his words.

Phoenix changed his mind. Turns out he didn't want to know if the one person he actually cared about thought of him as a piece of shit. He would much prefer to be ignorant of any bad feelings that she held towards him. Thinking about it was already fucking him up.

So, he shook his head, his lips forming a slight frown.

"Forget it."

Penelope's brows furrowed and she watched as he inhaled another bout of smoke, his jaw clenching in a painfully beautiful way as he drew it in.

A warm hand brushed brown tendrils out of her face and pushed them behind her ear, and she couldn't help but lean into the touch.

His thumb caressed her chubby cheeks and she smiled at him, the expression flooding his body with a comforting warmth that quieted the noise in his head and soothed him. Phoenix stared at her for a moment after that, making her bite her bottom lip in uncertainty. 

"What?" Penelope asked, a bit flustered.

The boy shook his head again and dropped his hand, going for another hit of his joint.


The shorter girl scrunched her nose at him and huffed. He was being weird. When he didn't say anything else, she grabbed his free hand again so that she could continue cleaning his fists.

They stood in silence for a moment, her hands busy and his mind just the same. Penelope moved to sit on the desk that was right behind her, her legs quickly growing tired from standing in the same spot. Her feet swung back and forth while she worked, and her boyfriend wondered if she knew that she was being painfully adorable.

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