L i p s

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Phoenix and Penelope found themselves cuddled up in her bed after they finished their sandwiches. Phoenix bit his lip to suppress a smirk as he recalled the blush on her cheeks and the slight stutter to her words when she suggested that they go up to her room for a bit.

"Just to hang out" She rushed out, the colour of her face darkening significantly. "I-I mean not that I-"

Phoenix pressed a finger to her lips to quiet her, which didn't help with her flustered state. Her eyes widened and the warmth of her breath touched the digit that remained on her lips as she exhaled.

"Lead the way" He said, his eyes watching her in amusement.

When they got to her room, she suggested watching Netflix and Phoenix agreed to whatever she wanted to watch. That's how he found himself playing with one of her curls, as she watched "Gossip Girl"; a show which he presumed was about a girl who gossips. He wasn't sure why people would be interested in content like that- the name itself sounded dumb. Thankfully, he could distract himself with her bouncy tendrils while she enjoyed the American tv show.

They got through one episode, before the peace was interrupted by a slam of the front door and even Phoenix held in a flinch at the force.

"You just live with your mom right?" He whispered to her in question.

Penelope bit on her lip and nodded, trying hard to focus on what might be occurring just down stairs, rather than the proximity of Phoenix's mouth to her ear. The same mouth that nibbled on that ear not too long ago.

Phoenix nodded after a second and lifted his head so that he was sitting up fully. His doubts on the identity of the person in the house were put to rest when a female voice called out.

"Penelope, do you have a guest?"

"Shoot" Penelope muttered to herself, before rushing to untangle her limbs from the sheets.

"Uh ya- yes, sorry I forgot to ask you first." She said while peeping her head out her bedroom door. The tiny brunette caught sight of her mom making her way up the stairs .

"Well I would appreciate it if you ask next time."

Penelope nodded to herself, even though her mother couldn't see her yet.

"I'm going to head to bed early, I had a long day at work." Her mother mumbled.

Penelope could now fully see her mom as she topped the stairs and it looked like what she said had been an understatement.

Her black hair was a mess and her clothes disheveled. The condition of her makeup was a whole other story.

"Are you okay mom?" Penelope whispered, now fully coming out of her room.

"Ya, I'm fine sweetie. Get back to your friend, alright? I'll see you in the morning." She waved off while making her way to her room down the hall.

Penelope bit the inside of her cheek and rocked on the balls of her feet in nervousness. She had never seen her mom in such a state. Whatever state that was.

Slowly she made her way back into her bedroom and closed the door, before settling her back against it- looking down at her carpeted floor as she thought.

Phoenix looked at Penelope in concern as she leaned sullenly against the door. He hadn't really caught much of the conversation that was going on between her and her mother, so he couldn't pin point what had caused her sudden change in mood.

He clenched his jaw and shuffled awkwardly on her bed, unsure of what he should do. Should he ask what was bothering her? Maybe ask about the conversation she was having outside her room? No, that seemed too personal. The truth was that he's never been in a situation like this before. How was he supposed to comfort someone when he's never experienced the gesture himself?

"What happened?" He settled for. Vague enough to not seem prying and open ended for her to explain if she wanted to.

"I don't know." She answered.

Phoenix furrowed his brows. Now he was really lost. What was he supposed to do with that?

"Are you okay?" He tried again.

Penelope nodded and gave him a smile, although it seemed just as confused as he was feeling.

"Ya, ya I'm fine." She said while walking towards him. "My mom was just acting...strange." She said. Although that probably wasn't the right word to describe her mother's behaviour.

Phoenix nodded and scooted towards the end of the bed to get off.

"I should probably get going." He announced while getting up. A hand lifted to run through his hair as he did so.

Penelope looked up at him in worry and went to stand closer to him. Close enough to where she could smell the faint traces of his cologne that had faded throughout the day. It smelled like him. Like man.

"Why? Is it because of me, 'cause I promise that I'm fine." She said with conviction.

Phoenix couldn't help but wonder again what he could've possibly done to garner the attention of someone as pure and kindhearted as Penelope. It was obvious that she cared for him a great deal. She cared enough to be upset at the prospect of him being at odds with her.

He lifted a hand to caress her cheek and brushed his thumb over her mouth, holding her bottom lip down for a second. Clearly he had a fascination with her pink pout. The fullness, the colour—at times he imagined her lips wrapped around something a lot less innocent than she would like.

"It has nothing to do with you. I promise." He said, looking into her eyes. His thumb still swiped at her bottom lip and instinctively, her tongue flickered out to wet it.

Phoenix's jaw ticked and his pants felt tighter than they were before. He dropped his hand from her face and instead used it to grip the back of her neck.

"You're making it much harder for me to leave right now." He said quietly.

He watched her eyes widen and look up at him in pure innocence and out of habit, his vision dropped down to her lips that were parted in anticipation.

Wordlessly, he leaned down and hovered his mouth above her own- drawing out the tension a bit more. He liked seeing her like this—ready for his touch and his alone.

Finally, putting her out of her misery, he connected their lips. What was meant to be short and sweet ended up more passionate and desirous as tongue met tongue and needy gasps escaped Penelope's mouth.

The shorter girl stood on her tiptoes and gently tugged at the hair on the nape of his neck as he dominated her in the kiss.

She almost missed the soft groan that sounded from the back of his throat when she ran her hand down his toned chest, her fingers lightly brushing his clothed crotch before she pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry." She panted, out of breath with red cheeks and swollen lips. Where had that come from?

Phoenix placed his head in the crevice of her neck and exhaled, trying to calm the raging boner that had become even more painful at her slightest touch.

"It's fine baby don't worry about it." He breathed, placing his hands on her hips and lightly caressing the skin on her sides. After his breathing settled he spoke again. "I'll text you when I get home." He murmured in her ear, before placing an open mouthed kiss on her neck.

He smirked into her skin when he felt her grip tighten on him and a pleasure filled shiver rack her small body.

"O-okay" She whimpered.

When he moved towards the door, Penelope followed him but he turned towards her and pointed at the bed.

"You should get some rest, I'll show myself out." He said softly.

She nodded and got back under her sheets obediently but as soon as she heard the front door close, she ran to her window to watch him walk down the street to where she assumed was his home. 

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