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"Phoenix kan vi snakke" A voice sounded from behind the door.

Phoenix can we talk.

Phoenix turned his head to the door but chose not to respond, seeing that Penelope had fallen asleep on his chest and he didn't want to wake her.

His father poked his head in and surprise filled his face.

"du virkelig er sammen?"

You really are dating?

Phoenix rolled his eyes and sat up, trying to untangle Penelope from his body. She had drifted to sleep straddled on his lap and he was sure she didn't want his father seeing her that way.

"Ja. Nå forlate."

Yes. Now leave."

His father sighed and closed the door, giving them some privacy.

Phoenix successfully removed himself from Penelope after some effort and repositioned her on the bed.

Running a hand through his hair he sighed, not looking forward to whatever conversation his father was trying to have with him.

Entering the kitchen space he leaned over and rested his forearms on the island counter.

"Yes?" Phoenix questioned expectantly, waiting for his father to say something.

Erik stood opposite to his son, leaning his back against the cupboard. He took a sip of what appeared to be coffee before he spoke.

"You're a man now." He started.

Phoenix tilted his head in confusion at where this was going.

"Which means that you have to start acting like one."

Erik held up a finger when Phoenix straightened out and opened his mouth to rebuttal.

"I fucked up. I know that. And I will never forget it- you damn well make sure of that. But we need..." He sighed, shifting his weight to the opposite leg. "We need to move forward."

Phoenix shook his head in disbelief.

"jeg vil ikke ha denne samtalen akkurat nå" He mumbled, dragging a hand down his face.

I don't want to have this conversation right now.

"Well we're having it because this is the first time I've seen you in this house in weeks. I don't even know how I managed to get you to the mall this morning. But now I know it's because of that girl."

Phoenix's jaw clenched but he remained silent.

"I can tell that you've been better since the start of school. Is it because of her?"

Phoenix chose not to speak and instead, turned his head away from his father.

"You've been keeping out of trouble I hope. Am I correct?"

The boy's nostrils flared as he exhaled.

"I don't do that shit anymore." He mumbled. What he said wasn't completely true but being honest was the last thing he was worried about.

"Good." Erik nodded. "That's good."

"I just want the best for you." He continued. "I don't want you to.."

"To end up like you" Phoenix cut in, turning his head so that his eyes could meet his father's.

Erik grimaced but nodded, glancing down to look at his coffee.

Phoenix: The Risen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now