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Penelope quickened her footsteps as she walked down the halls, knowing that she was already running late for class.

Phoenix made them stay out for lunch too long and now she was facing the consequences. She grumbled under her breath at that thought.

Her arms squeezed her books close to her chest as she maneuvered past students who were aimlessly chatting with friends, paying no mind to the warning bell that had sounded not too long ago.

The brunette turned a corner sharply but gasped when she bumped into a body not much taller than her own.

"Sorry" Penelope murmured absentmindedly, shuffling around the person so that she could continue on her way.

"Wait, Penelope—can we talk?"

The shorter girl turned in surprise to face the person who she once considered to be her best friend. A small part of her still thought of her as that.

"Sure" Penelope agreed although a bit reluctant after how horrible their previous conversation ended up being.

Olivia readjusted her bag and looked hesitant to speak. Her expression appeared troubled and her eyes made contact with the floor rather than hold Penelope's wondering gaze.

"Look...I know we haven't talked in a while...and I know that we haven't because I've been avoiding you."

Penelope bit her lip, wanting to blurt that she was quite aware of this fact but she controlled herself to hear her out.

"Owen liking you or being in love with you—whatever it is, it's not your fault. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this but I wanted to say it out loud."

Olivia exhaled and shuffled a bit in place, before lifting her head so that she was finally making eye contact with the brunette.

"Obviously, I was jealous. And I just didn't understand why he didn't feel the same way that I feel—" She shook her head slightly and blinked for a short moment. "that I felt for him."

"I know now that I overreacted when we spoke a few weeks ago...and I don't want to let a boy, a boy who doesn't even care about me, ruin a friendship that we've had for years. So—"

"I forgive you."

Olivia's face morphed into one of surprise, not expecting Penelope to even accept her apology, let alone so quickly.

"But..." The brunette hesitated, choosing her next words carefully. "I don't think that I trust you, at least not right now."

At Penelope's admission, Olivia's expression of excitement simmered to one of disappointment, but she nodded anyway in understanding.

"Friends?" Penelope asked, with a small, albeit an encouraging smile stretched on her face.

"Friends." Olivia murmured. A small squeal passed her lips when she was brought into a small body, her torso being crushed into a bone-breaking hug.

"I don't like it when we fight." Penelope said, her voice muffled by the blonde's shoulder.

"Neither do I, Elly." Olivia laughed, giving the smaller girl one last squeeze before pulling away.

"Okay, I have to bounce but we'll talk later ya?"

Penelope nodded eagerly, a smile brightening her face as she watched her friend walk off to who knows where.

The brunette stood there for a moment, happy thoughts flooding her mind at finally making things right with Olivia. Although she does forgive her friend for the mean words that were spewed, she couldn't deny that those words hurt. It would take a while for their friendship to be how it once was but she was definitely willing to try.

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