S h o w e r

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Phoenix knocked on the door of the house his group was supposed to be meeting at. His thumb caressed Penelope's exposed side in a comforting gesture, sensing that she was still uneasy about being an "intrusion".

It was a warmer fall day in their area, one of those that made you forget that it would be snowing next month.

Of course, the honey-haired girl had dressed accordingly, making the most of the unseasonal weather.

Phoenix tugged at the material of her top, making Penelope giggle and swat his hand away from her mid section

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Phoenix tugged at the material of her top, making Penelope giggle and swat his hand away from her mid section.

"Hey, Phoenix" A guy said, finally answering the door.

He paused when he saw the smaller girl also standing on his front porch.

"I didn't know you were also in our group." He joked light heartedly.

The brunette giggled uneasily, not quite sure if the boy was alright with her joining them.

Phoenix opened his mouth to speak but Penelope touched his arm and quickly intercepted. She wasn't sure what he was going to say but knowing him, it probably wasn't very nice. 

"I hope you don't mind if I sit in on your meeting. We have plans later and it just made more sense that I stay with Phoenix rather than head home and come all the way back here. I'll stay out of your way and do my own work. You won't even know I'm here, I promise."

A light pink hue dusted her cheeks as she babbled on to the ginger haired boy. She was getting a bit carried away in the excuse but she couldn't find it in herself to stop talking.

"I don't have a problem with it. You're more than welcome to come in."  He smiled, stepping to the side to allow the two to enter.

"If you're any good at organic chem, feel free to chip in yeah?" The boy laughed as he led them to the kitchen table that everyone was already sat at.

Penelope shook her head with a smile.

"Sorry, I tend to stay away from the science stuff. I'm Penelope by the way." She waved awkwardly.

"Tommy." He nodded back. "Yeah, so you can sit on the couch right here if you want. We'll be right behind you if you want to come over or anything."

Penelope nodded and quickly scanned the area, noting the open concept scheme. It allowed her to turn her head and easily get a full view of the kitchen and vise versa.

Tommy went over to join the 2 boys and girl that were sitting at the table. Being the nosey person she is, she looked over into the kitchen to see if any of the faces struck her with recognition.

Surprisingly none of them looked like people she'd seen before, although she might've noticed them in passing. She also noticed that there was only one girl among the group. The girl looked quite timid and frankly intimidated by her members.

Phoenix: The Risen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now