~~• Chapter 2 •~~

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//Tubbo's POV//

Me and the others were waiting for Tommy near the community portal as we chatted on why Dream would just give his discs back.

It was strange, Dream would never do this. After a while Tommy already came through the portal and I immediately hugger him


"BIG T!" He yelled back then we pulled away

"Oh! And here." I say as I hand out his discs back he looked at them then me shocked.

"Is this real?! I thought Dream had them!?"

"He did...." I trailed off which made him confused

"Okay well... What are we going to do now since that green bastard is gone?" He asked jokingly

"He said to go to your base when your here." I said

"Okay let's go then!"

I smiled and we started to walk with the others not to far behind. When we got there as we opened the door we saw colored Shulker boxes with signs with our names on it. We were confused so I nodded to Tommy that he can go open his Shulker first which he agreed to. He opened it and pulled out a book, he opened it and read it out loud for us to hear.


Dear Tommy,

Hey Toms, I'm sorry that I did all of this shit to you I didn't mean it at all but I'm so so fucking sorry, it's all my fault that L'manburg is destroyed. I didn't even know what was so valuable about those discs that I wanted, I wish I was a better person so I'm sorry they were right, this server would be better off without me. I'm sorry I'm sorry. This is goodbye Tommy...

Signed, Big D


We were all crying at this point. What did he mean by 'They were right'?

I was next so I opened my Shulker to see Dream's enchanted sword and 64 golden apples and a book. I opened it and read it out loud


Dear Tubbs,

Hey Tubbs, I'm sorry. I know I promised you that I won't leave you but it was to much for me I'm sorry I know I'm never going to be forgiven, I tried to stop them but it didn't work. You all hate me now so... I left. Goodbye Tubbs I'll miss you brother...

Signed, Clay


"-igned Clay...." I finished as I sniffled, I ran to Tommy and embraced him gripping onto his shirt tightly. I knew something was wrong, I knew my brother wouldn't do this but I didn't understand "I tried to stop them"?

I cried in Tommy's shirt as I blame myself "Tubbo, it's not your fault. Maybe Dream just needed a break... He'll come back.." Tommy said quietly as we cried I knew he was unsure of what he said but I didn't care I just wanted to comforted right now.

//With Dream//3rd person//

He walked.... He walked far from his problems he knew nobody would care, why would they it was his fault his server. His sever! Was no better, he didn't blame any of his- the members for ruining the peaceful server that he wanted.

As he walked he silently sobbed thinking how many damage his Dreamon did to his friends- why can he call him friends? Was he even worthy to call them that? He tortured them so he had no right to call them his friends.

He was running out of food supply, he reached to a snowy biome so he had no choice, there was no going back. Hours of walking the cold air hit his whole body making it numb, he couldn't even feel his legs. His ankles were in pain, he couldn't even walk! The more he takes a heavy step the more weaker he gets.

He was shivering, he looked down at his hands and they we're light blue, he knew he was sick and soon was gonna die but he did care they wanted him dead so they will get what they want soon he couldn't handle he needed to sit down so he stopped and dropped to his knees making a soft thud and crawled towards under the tree and sat down.

His eyes started to glow then his body was glitching then his Dreamons came out joining him into the outside world.

"Woo! God, finally it's been forever!" His Dreamon Nightmare said as he stretches his arms up into the air.

"It's been 48 hours how was that forever?" Lucid huffed annoyed at then the other Dreamon.

"Well it felt like it." Nightmare said back smirking behind his mask.

"Whatever and Why is it so cold here!?" Good asked shivering


"Dream?" He asked looking down at the blonde who was currently curled into a ball shivering badly.

"I-if I die w-what'll happen t-to y-you guys?" His shaky voice asked

"Uh- Duh, we'll still be with you."

"O-okay... Promise me something..." As he stood up walking towards a frozen lake.


"Take care of Tubbo for me..." He said as he dived in the cold blue water and swam till he hit the bottom then he inhaled the cold icy water then everything went Black.


Hi! I'm terribly sorry if this is confusing I'm not that good at writing so yeah I'll explain what the au is about soon! Bye for now! Until next Chapter.

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