~~• Chapter 6 •~~

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Hello. Why!? This is Crazy! 700+ Reads like what!? Okay that's to muchn


//3rd person//


Confusion struck Dream 'Duckling'? He thought but was cut off by a hug from the sheep hybrid who was crying and happiness now that she found her duckling but also sad that he was dead. After the hugging session Puffy pulled away with her eyes red and puffy, her cheeks wet but she wiped them off.

"Why did you cry? Did I do something wrong..?" He asked looking at Tommy and Ghostbur who immediately shook their heads

"No! Of course not Dream!" Ghostbur said floating over the ghost and pulled him into a hug "warm" he mumbled in his chest making smile and blush.

(Btw Wilbur is taller than Dream okay?)

There was silence in the room until Tommy broke it "uh- are you guys done with your cuddling session or...." The two stood there frozen with their pale faces turning into grey in embarrassment pulling away and quickly looking down. Everyone broke into laughter then soon calm down and headed to Phil's old house.

Everyone made it to the old building and went inside to discuss about Dream as both the Ghosts were upstairs having some fun. "What are we gonna do? We need Dream back, the server is literally dying!" Tubbo cried out making everyone confused and scared

"What do you mean 'the server is dying'!?" Tommy questioned loudly

"Didn't you see!? The plains biome is turning black! The trees are dead! Heck ,there's no more water in the lake!" Tubbo added making everyone extremely terrified.

"I don't even know if we're gonna survive...." Tubbo said sadly then Ranboo ran towards him and hugged him to calm his husband down.

"Hold the phone." Quackity said raising his hand with one finger up rising from his seat "Remember that Schlatt gave him a book?" He asked and everyone nodded at his question still confused.

"And remember he said it was a book that could revive people from the dead!?" He yelled happily making everyone's eyes widened in realization. The book! That's the solution to save the server! But they still needed information on how the book works so they discussed about going into the library and scout out answers for the book.

Techno decided to check if the two Ghosts were okay so he headed upstairs and opened the door to see both the males asleep in each other's arms, he smirked and took a picture of both of them and sent it it to the group chat (The members of the GC is Techno, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Nikki, Fundy, Punz, PhilZa, Puffy, Sam, Ponk, Eret)


*Attached an image of Dreambur*
Ship these Nerds.

Tubbo_: AWWWWE

Tommyinnit: I need a word to Wilbur.

Ph1lZa: Send that to me.

Nihachu: ME TOO PLS!

CaptainPuffy: My son all grown up!!



Shit. He messed up he forgot that Punz was in the group chat. He rushed downstairs then heard banging on the door making everyone yelp, he sighed and opened the door to see a Sad and furious Punz "Who did it!?!" He yelled

"Punz, chil-" Techno was cut off by Punz shouting again "Do not tell me to chill Techno. I'm going to ask again. WHO. DID. IT!?" He yelled frustrated his face was red, eyes were puffy from crying.

"Punz, No one did it-" Tubbo tried to calm him down but was cut off "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO ONE DID IT!? I KNOW DREAM WOULDN'T DO THAT!"

"Well he did! Now calm down-"

"I'm not calming down until your telling me who did it so I can kill them in a blink of an eye." He said sternly. No one spoke "ANSWER ME DAMN IT." He said stomping one of his foot on the ground then they heard footsteps coming down

"Can you guy keep it down? Dream is literally crying from all the yelling you guys been doing.." He said rubbing his eyes everybody responded with small sorries then Punz pushed past Techno and headed upstairs but was held back from Ghostbur "What do you think your doing?" He asked

"Getting my Best friend back." He replied shoving his arm back and continued walking upstairs. He opened the door seeing a crying Dream on the bed, he teared up and slowly walked towards him making him look up.

"Punzy...?" He asked in a small soft voice "Yes, it's me Dreamy." He said smiling softly then was immediately tackled in a hug by best friend.

"Punzy! I missed you!" He mumbled in my chest making me smile and lean in and put a kiss on his head. We stayed in this position for 20 more minutes until I heard small snores coming from the smaller.

I smiled and quietly picked him up bridal-style and places him on the bed and crouched beside him and started caressing his place and soft cheek.

"I'll kill who ever made you do this to yourself Dreamy..." He said placing one last kiss on his head and stood up leaving the room.

Too much fluff for Chapter six huh? But it's cute✋🙄

Okie now bye bye! Sorry if it was short! I have a lot of things going on!

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