~~• Chapter 10 •~~

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Hello fuckers I'm actually going to continue this story thank my mother cuz she forced me to continue this with a lecture so I gave up and decided to continue it so :D

//3rd person//

"That's illegal but whatever." Phil said

"What are we gonna do? We don't even know where the revival book is!"

"Oh! I know!" Ghostbur said

"You do where??"

"He hid it in his base! At ***,**,***!" He responded

They nodded and opened the door and started to search for the book. After a while they finally made it to the right coordinates then they saw one piece of green carpet, they rolled it out and saw an oak trapdoor beside an oak tree it was pretty hidden not gonna lie. One by one everybody headed inside and saw a pretty neat base, a kitchen, a bedroom and lots of chests, man this guy probably owns a lot.

They kept searching and searching until Techno found a chest under Dream's green bed, he opened the chest to reveal a brown leather book with gold design's on the sides. Again one by one everybody got up the ladder and left.

|Timeskip their back at the house|

Everyone went inside with the book in their hands then saw Dream curled up into a ball, shaking and sobbing as he clutches his hair, everybody's eyes widened and Ghostbur quickly floated towards his friend (*cough* crush *cough*) and started to cradle him.

"Shh, what's wrong bubs?" Ghostbur asked pressing his cheek on the others head

"M-my head h-hu-hurts, I s-saw blue and w-white a-and t-there w-was shouting *sniff* and- and" The blonde stuttered sobbing making his head pound even more. Ghostbur frowned and hugged the Ghost tighter before picking him up bridal-style turning his head head to the others who was watching.

"You guys work on it without me. Bubs needs comfort." He said smiling before floating upstairs.

The members stood there watching them go up in awe well except three. Everyone gathered around the table and Phil opened the book and started to read.


"Well, that's easy." Techno said

"Yeah so we need, 2 nether stars, totems, and what they love most while being a Ghost?" Ranboo said

"Yeah... You think they'll get their memories back? Y'know as alive them?" Tubbo asked, everyone shrugged not knowing.

"Well. What about the Dreamons? They'll have control of Dream again." Tubbo said

Everyone stayed quiet when he said that. They didn't know what to do at all until.

"I believe I can help..." A voice said

((3rd person))((Ghostbur's POV))

Ghostbur carried Dream to his room and laid him down as he cuddles him while he was still crying.

"Shh, shhh, It's okay Dreamy don't cry..." He hushed the smaller softly

"I-it hu-hurts-" Dream whimpered pushing his face further into the tallers chest

"I know, I know it hurts, but calm down for me 'kay bubs?" He said running his hand into the blonde soft hair

Slowly whimpers turned into soft snores, when Ghostbur looked down he smiled seeing the blonde finally asleep with his cheeks still wet from the tears.

So he kissed them away and cuddled with the smaller pressing a light kiss on the head before slowly dozing off.


Hey y'all! I know, I know I continued the story so thank my mom! Chapter 11 will be here soon!

"They all hate me." || Dream SMP || Ghost Dream au || DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now