~~• Chapter 4 •~~

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Hello! Welcome to Chapter 4 and I would like to say...... THANK YOU FOR 200+ READS LIKE WTF 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Thanks for the votes too!


//3rd person//


"Who?" Ghostdre asked confused

"You don't remember? Your name is Dream." Tommy said wiping his tears out of his face.

"Uh-... No."

"That's okay uh do you remember me?" He asked

"N-no, I'm sorry. Am I suppose too?" Ghostdre asked

"N-no! It's okay Ghostbur here doesn't remember when we first found him either so it's okay!"


"Hey! How about we go back to Techno's base!" Ghostbur suggested floating over to Dream "Yeah Phil might help you remember stuff!" Tommy added

"S-sure!" He answered both smiled started to walk back home. It was weird seeing the most powerful person on the server Dead but I guess life is how it is.

The three were almost at the pinkette's cabin as they ask Dream questions of what remembers. The three were at the front porch then Tommy kicked the door open making Dream flinch "I'm back Phil!" He yelled making Phil drop his coffee mug but didn't affect Techno he was just on the couch reading

"Tommy you didn't need to kick the door open you know?" Techno sighed not looking up from his book "Whatever, anyway we found a new friend..!" He said smiling nervously

"Oh? It better not be a sheep." Phil said as he sweeps the remaining glass from the floor

"Well it's not...." When he said that Techno finally looked up from his book and looked at Tommy and Ghostbur with his sword in his hand. "Techno you don't need to threaten him... He's nice." Ghostbur said

"I'll consider if you show him." He said then Phil came in the room with his wings ruffling. Tommy sighed and looked behind Ghostbur and held out his hand and softly said "it's okay, they won't hurt you.." Then he gently pulled Dream beside him making Tommy look down along with Dream and Ghostbur. Then they heared a clank they look up to see Techno with no sword in his hand instead on the floor then looked back up to see Techno in tears following with Phil.

"A-are they o-okay?" Dream asked Ghostbur who just shrugged and pulled out some blue and gave it to them which didn't work "Ghostbur, why don't you and Dream go upstairs for a moment." Phil said in a shaky voice "Okay! C'mon Dream!" He said grabbing Dream's hand and dragged him to his room. When they heard the door close Phil immediately fell on his knees and sobbed

"He was to young.... He was rude but had a heart- he was like a son to me..." He chocked out hugging his knees against his chest with Techno and Tommy hugging him tightly they couldn't help but cry with him. Dream was like a Son to Phil, he was a trustworthy guy he was selfless, helps everyone with anything and this is what he get in return. And now he's gone.

Techno was in the verge of tears he didn't even want to hold them back. His rival. His best friend, dead and no one to train with, no one to use a fucking punching bag. The friend who cared about him, the one that didn't use him. Dead.

Tommy was the same, He was a brotherly figure to him and Tubbo, and he treated him like shit.

Tommy calmed down and said he was going to see what Ghostbur and Dream were doing. He walked upstairs with tears still pouring out of his eyes, he opened the door to see both males cuddling with the other asleep.

"Ghostbur?" He said the Ghost looked up and smiled handing a book to his brother who gave him a questioning look and asked "What is this?"

"I made Dream write whatever he remembers and stuff." He smiled looking down at the almost white-haired blonde. Tommy soon got the idea and smirked a little "Okay, I'll go back to Phil... Don't do anything funny in there wil!" He shouted as he closed the door giggling knowing his brother blushed at his warning. He went back downstairs and saw Phil still sobbing with Techno beside him not crying anymore.

"Hey Phil?"

"Yeah...?" He asked still sobbing "Ghostbur said Dream wrote everything he remembers in this book." When he said that Phil looked up and immediately snatched the book as he stood up. He opened the brown leather book and began to read with Techno peeking through his shoulder.


What I remember Ghostdre

I'm sorry
Black and white
Pink hair
More yelling
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

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