~~• Chapter 9 •~~

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//3rd person//

"My, my, what a show." Nightmare teased having shivers on everyone's spines.

"Uhm, Night?"

"Yes, Daydream?"

"Where's Lucid?"

"Oh! Him, he's right there." He said pointing behind Techno and Phil. He pushed them out of the way revealing his purple hoodie and the same smiley face.

"Wow. Really, wow, I'm really disappointed in all of you." Lucid chuckled making everyone confused.

"You guys really only cared when Dream was gone. And I'm also really disappointed you guys didn't notice the difference of me and smiley over here." He said walking towards his 'brothers' ruffling Dream's hair.

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked

"Cuz, we was the one creating all of this destruction, not him." He said motioning him and Nightmare did all of this.


"Because we wanted to have a little fun. And you believed it." Pointing at everyone.

"The server admin was always the one to blame huh?" Nightmare said

"Your house was burnt down, blame Dream. Your disc was lost because you forgot where you put it, blame Dream. Your hoe broke. BLAME FUCKING DREAM!" He yelled putting his arms up in the air then putting them down making a little slap.

Everyone stayed quiet. Lucid put his attention to two certain people who were George and Sapnap. "Well, look who we have here." He said smirking

"The people who hated their best friend to a stupid crown-"he was cut off by a whimper.

"Ah- Ow-" Dream yelped putting his hands on his head gripping his hair and fell on his knees, he had a massive headache. Then all of a sudden the memories of the day they argued started to go in his head and it started snowing.

"Dream?! Are you okay??" Ghostbur said kneeling down beside him putting his arms around him like he was a kid. He started screaming when the memories were still flooding in his head it hurt badly.

"I-it h-hu-hurts m-make it s-stop." He whimpered

"What's happening!? It's getting colder!" Fundy said hugging himself for warm

Techno was under his cloak with Phil next to him shivering. Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo were hugging each other to warm themselves. The others hugging each other.

The soon Dream passed out from the pain dropping in Ghostbur's arms. "He passed out." He informed picking up the blonde in bridal style. Soon Nightmare and Lucid glitched back to Dream now leaving him with the people who hurt him the most unconscious.

Ghostbur and the others went to Phil's and Nikki opened the door for the two. Ghostbur opened the bedroom door with his foot and placed his 'friend' down on the bed. He stirred a little before calming down, Ghostbur caressed his cheek smiling softly then stopped and kissed his temple and left the room.

As he went back downstairs he was met by people arguing.

"It's your guy's fault he became like this!"

"Oh our fault!? Your also the to blame because of those stupid discs of yours!"

"Don't you put me into this, you bitch!"

"And what if I do?"

"OH YOU MESSED UP- COME HERE YOU SON OF A-" Tommy rambled as he tackled Sapnap onto the ground started punching him. Phil tried to pull Tommy back while Quackity did with Sapnap.

"All of this. Is because of the discs! It's just a stupid discs. You can get more!"

"I- Oh yeah you have point there. But you shouldn't just throw your guy's friendship because of a damn crow-"

"GUYS STOP!" Ghostbur ordered everyone turned to him

"Your all to blame! Except you Phil and Techno. Can't you see he was possessed? There was two rules! And Tommy broke one of them!"

"What do you me-"

"One! No going to the end. Two! No grieving, No stealing!" (He broke #2)

Everyone stayed quiet including Tommy.

"Look, Dream wanted peace. He wanted everyone to get along and be happy! But when the war happened it all went down hill. He gave you guys whatever you guys wanted and this is the kindnest we give him back?! And YOU!" He said pointing both to Sapnap and George.

"You two were his best friends. You've known him for so damn long and all you including me didn't even notice it wasn't him in the first place! And Tommy was right! You shouldn't just throw away your guy's friendship for a crown! He wanted to protect you guys! Because he knew you guys were going to be targeted!" He yelled.

Everyone stood there guilty, sad, shocked at his speech. He had a point. It was their fault, he did give them what they want. But didn't get what he wanted. Sapnap and George did not take it well they started crying holding each other. But wait a minute. How did Ghostbur knew about this.

"Hey Ghostbur? How do you know all of this?" Phil asked

"Hm? Oh yeah, I read his diary." He smiled giving Phil a thumbs up.

"That's illegal but whatever."




You see

Sapnap's new insta post? °^°



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Proud to be Filipino ❤️

Anyways Thank you for 2k reads! Luv u guys 😙

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