My Curse Touch

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Yunlan was surprised they where teleport in a disco bar. And they're clothes became different.

He can't stop admiring Shen Wei whose looking cool and hot in his new suite and shade

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He can't stop admiring Shen Wei whose looking cool and hot in his new suite and shade. "Wait?! Why his wearing that in a disco bar?" He notice suddenly  Shen Wei's  eyes sparkle and he pointed his fingers to the loving couples whose dancing on the dance floor.

 "Wait?! Why his wearing that in a disco bar?" He notice suddenly  Shen Wei's  eyes sparkle and he pointed his fingers to the loving couples whose dancing on the dance floor

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   "That man take out his life!" He ordered  Yunlan. "WHAT?!!! HOW?!!! AND WHY?!!!"  Shen Wei  shoot him with a deadly gaze making Yunlan walk toward the man.  Without any word he touched  the man's shoulder. The man frooze into his place and got a heart attack. The woman scream that made the spell in Yunlan broken and he saw what he have done.

    "Please help me! Someone call an ambulance!" She scream. Everyone panic and called the hospital. Yunlan tried to help him. But Shen Wei  stop him. "It's  his time!" But Yunlan shoved him aside and trying to revive the man.

    The woman with him kept crying but when Yunlan pump his heart. Suddenly  the man's eyes open and he can  breath again. The paramedics who have arrive was shocked that he revive a dying man. "Who are you?!" One of them said. Yunlan about to speak when Shen Wei  pulled his back shirt  and went to a desert corner.

    He walled him there,  "What do you think your doing?!" He shout at him. "I can't  let that man be killed because of my touch! Take this off me!" That made Shen Wei  laugh. He suddenly  made a portal and pushed  Yunlan back to his realm. "Great I'm back with this green robe!" He told himself.

    Shen Wei  suddenly  lift him up and thrown him into the bed. He hovered over him, "I told you never to argue with my decision!" As he cup his face. Yunlan glared. "I can't  let a man die!" Suddenly  Shen Wei  eyes glow making Yunlan almost can't  breath. Before he burst into his anger Shen Wei  left Yunlan on the bed. "Eh?! He just left me?!"

    Shen Wei  teleported to his garden where a black cat waiting for him

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    Shen Wei  teleported to his garden where a black cat waiting for him. "So how's  your pet?!" The black cat jump into a young man. Da quing  the right hand of Shen Wei.  "He irritates me! He won't  do as I command!" Suddenly  Da quing's  claw emerge from his fingers, "Do you want me to fix him?!" Shen Wei  glared, "Don't  you lay a finger on him! His mine!" Da quing  smirk, "That's  what I think?" He sigh as his claw disappeared.

   Meanwhile  Yunlan do some exploring in his new home, Lin Jing seeing the opportunity  that his lord is gone

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   Meanwhile  Yunlan do some exploring in his new home, Lin Jing seeing the opportunity  that his lord is gone. "Hello there! Human!" He suddenly  jump infront of him making Yunlan surprise.  "This nerdy! What does he want?!" He told himself.  "Want me to tour you here at the palace?"  He notice Yunlan back away from him.

  "Want me to tour you here at the palace?"  He notice Yunlan back away from him

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    "Are you scared of me?" He suddenly  spin and changing into a nerdy human. "Well is this okay?" Yunlan nod but still stay alert as he didn't  trust  him. Lin Jing tour him in around the palace.  Until  they bump into Chu who is not quite happy seeing him.

  Until  they bump into Chu who is not quite happy seeing him

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    "What are you doing with him?!" He ask Lin Jing. "Oh! Where just touring the palace and...." He was suddenly  pushed by Chu, "I don't  know what my lord seen in you? But don't  feel so cocky here because I never like you!" Yunlan frown, "Don't  worry I don't  like you either!" That made Chu widen his eyes in anger while Lin Jing swallowed  hard.

   "No one challenged  Chu and live!" Lin Jing panic and tried to stop the fight but Chu's weapon suddenly  appeared. It was a big axe, "I challenge  you!" Yunlan being a soldier never  back out from a fight, "Just give me a weapon and I will fight!" Lin Jing sweat.

   When Shen Wei  came with Da quing  his trying to find his pet. "Where is he?!" He suddenly  heard a rukus outside where his men shouting and yelling Chu's name. They both went there just to be surprise  Yunlan is fighting Chu with a sword while him with his axe.

   "My lord we got to stop them!" But Shen Wei  block Da quing,  "Wait! I want to know his limit!" Da quing  disagree that Chu might kill him. But Shen Wei  have fate with his pet.

   Chu first to engage and swing his battle axe making Yunlan shoved in a corner as he kept evading the axe. But as his sword engage at the axe it thrown in the air. "Now I got you!" And swing again his axe but that made Yunlan  take advantage as the axe got stock on the wood floor. Yunlan went near  Chu and punched  him hard on the face. But that only escalates Chu's anger at him. "Ooops!" Yunlan tried to evade him. But he suddenly  swing his axe almost cutting off his head.

   "Stop!" Shout Shen Wei.  All subjects bow their head. He suddenly  scoop Yunlan like a rag doll. "You two we will talk later!" And left. Chu and Lin Jing sweat. "This is all your fault you big gorilla!" Lin Jing hit his fist to Chu's muscle  arm. Making him glared to Lin Jing who swallowed  hard.

    Meanwhile  Yunlan was sit back in bed as Shen Wei  look at the wound that the axe made. "This is nothing it only graze my cheek!" But Shen Wei  frown to him. "I don't  want my property  to get damage!" As he caress Yunlan's face and made the small wound disappeared.   But that  small gesture makes Yunlan's heart beat fast.

   Shen Wei  notice the red cheeks on Yunlan face. He suddenly  cough, "As I said you must do what I command so you might not get hurt!" Suddenly  cute, brown eyes blinking at him. Making Shen Wei  gaze at him intensely.  "Why his acting like a cute fox?" Yunlan suddenly  got  near to him. Making Shen Wei's  cheeks flared as well.

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