Whose The Lord Now

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    Chu can't  believe  what's  happening  their Lord Shen Wei  became  tamed and always bow to his now pet.

   Or you can say his lord now, Yunlan. Meanwhile  the said new lord is having a lovely time with the deity of life and death, Shen Wei.  Whose lying beside him naked underneath  the blanket. "Ah Lan! Did you forgive me now?" Batting his eyes on him. Making Yunlan want to kiss his beautiful  deity again.

    "How can I get angry with such a beautiful face!" As he pulled Shen Wei  near him and devoured  that pink, soft lips. Suddenly  an earthquake  came startling everyone. One of the deity of war Wudi came. His one of the admirer of Shen Wei  that was reject  by him because of Kunlun back then.

   Chu, Lin Jing, Guo and Da quing  ready their weapons. As the deity tried to get through the force field that Yunlan made. He shout Kunlun's  name to fight him over Shen Wei.  Yunlan appeared just wearing his green robe as well as Shen Wei.  "Wudi! Get out of here! You know I don't  like you!" Shen Wei  shouted at him.

   That made Wudi quite angry as his so furious of jealousy. Seeing a mere human with his beloved deity. Yunlan tease him more by pulling Shen Wei  to him and kissing him passionately  infront of him and the others. Making Shen Wei  blushed.  "Do you hear it.....what is your name again?!" Smirk Yunlan.

   "Kunlun! Fight me! And I will show to Shen Wei  that your  nothing but a weakling pathetic human!!!" Yunlan almost walk toward him but Shen Wei stop him. "Ah Lan! You can't  fight  him!" But Yunlan just smiled at him. Xiao Wei! I remember everything! I can protect myself! So don't  worry!"

   Yunlan easily got out of his force filled when Wudi thrust his weapon upon him with a minute. But Yunlan's power suddenly  burst out looking like a nine tailed fox. That made Wudi back away as the force of his power is too powerful. But still he tried to pierce his sword upon his chest but Yunlan's  power block it and laugh.

   "Don't  tell me this all what you got?!" Wudi use his deity's power of fire and tried to burn Yunlan. But before it can reach for him. Yunlan use his power to get through  the ball of fire of Wudi and struck  him on the shoulder. That almost throw  him among the trees.

   He spit blood but still he fight Yunlan. Da quing  and Guo watch in awe  as their master  fight the deity of war effortless.

   In the meantime  not very far the other deities  watching from the heaven on what's  happening.  "I can't  believe  a mere mortal have a power of a god!" Bai Qi  wonder. Yezun gritted  his teeth while watching Yunlan doodge every weapons and  power that Wudi give. As he easily struck Wudi with his power. Wudi was about to use his thunder bolt on Yunlan.

   But Yunlan saw this and quickly strikes him with  his power. Making  Wudi fall on the ground. "Your not human!" He shout before he fell unconcious,  "Yeah....yeah....that's  what they all say!" As Yunlan smirk. As the others watch it, Chu's jaw almost drop, Lin Jing help Chu shut his mouth back, Guo cheered his master as well Da quing. While Shen Wei  look a bit worried on it.

   As he know now one by one the deities will challenge him and more. This is not the life Shen Wei  wants for his Yunlan. But for now Yunlan smile in triumphant  and walk back to the force filled.  "Master! Aren't  you not gonna finished  him off?" Ask Guo. "No little  one! I want him to tell all who wants to fight me! That no one can defeat me!" As he look at the eyes of Guo, he smirk and click his fingers. Something  in the center of Guo's  eyes burn.

   It was the power of King Yang's  vision. King Yang's  shout in frustration  as Yunlan took his spy's eyes. Now he knows that abominable Kunlun came back. Now more unbeatable  or better yet his gege will be thrown out of his thrown or even him.

    Yes, that's  the secret they are keeping. The Eye, Zhu Hong have predicted. If a child was born with demon and deity 's blood it can overthrown  the lord of heaven and hell. And that made King Yang and the father  of Shen Wei  worried about. King Xin ci never knew the woman he love is a candidate  to be a deity. And now they have this abominable child.

   He called upon his five horsemen, "Bring me the head of Yunlan!" He shout. The leader Sang bow and left with his men.

   Meanwhile  back to the realm of Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  can't  do his job properly. Because he don't want  to leave his lover's  side as other deities  challenge  him every day. And they confirm Yunlan is no longer a human and tried  to defeat him. "My lord what's  troubling you? You can go to do your job? Yunlan can defend himself!" Chu said with a hint of jealousy. As his little  pet Guo have grown admiration to his Master Yunlan. And now his lord can't do his job properly because of him.

   "SILENT!" Shout Shen Wei  in frustration.  "Just go with Lin Jing!" As Chu bow and left. Minute pass Yunlan and his followers came,  seeing his Xiao Wei  in distress in his throne. He quickly sit on his lap and caressing his face.  Shen Wei's  worries fade and smile to his lovers.  While Da quing  and Guo tried not to look at them.

   Yunlan gave him a chast kiss and took off his mask. "I hate it when you wear this hideous  mask! It abstract  to see your beauty!" While his other hand dangerously sneaking underneath his robe. Making Shen Wei  blushed. "Stop! Not here!" As he hold his hand and look at Da quing  and Guo.

   Yunlan frown as he signal his underling to leave. He tried to continue what his doing and kissing Shen Wei and more. "Did you finished another enemy of yours?" Shen Wei  ask. As he tried not to moan as Yunlan pressing hard on him. Making something  awake underneath  his robe.

   "Yes! All of them makes me bored! Your the only one I wanted to see! I miss you!" Yunlan whispered while nibbling to his ear.  That made Shen Wei  quickly teleport them back to his chamber and make love to him that day.

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