Meeting His Real Family

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    For a split second  Shen Wei  can't  imagine Yunlan wil be taken from him.

   The drunk Yunlan swaying side by side as Shen Wei  madly pushed him away as his still am angry at him. He didn't  think a portal was made. And in a portal a hands of a demon came easily pulling Yunlan with in.

   Everybody was shocked to do anything except Da quing  and Guo who  transformed  back into a cat and an imp and quickly gone to the portal before it close. All of the drunkness of Chu and Lin Jing evaporates in a second. "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  shout as he transformed  back to his dark robe and made a portal to get his lover. Chu and Lin Jing follows.

   In the next few hours Yunlan woke up still dizzy but was shocked his not in their realm but looks very familiar to him. The room is splendid  covered in blue colors while the ceiling have many decoration stars above. Suddenly  Xin ci came with Zhuiji.  "Welcome  home son!" And quickly went beside Yunlan who under hand back away in a corner. "Who are you?! What do you want?!" Xin ci explain to him. "I'm your father! And this is your home!

   Don't  you remember  we decorated your room!" As Xin ci reach for him Yunlan swatted  his hand. "Your not my father! My father is on earth! I'm a human! Where is my Xiao Wei?!" Hearing that name made Xin ci's blood boil. "That deity took you away from me! And I won't  let him have you ever! Take my hand and I'll show you the truth that your one of us!"

    First Yunlan didn't  want too but Xin ci grabbed his hand and dragged  him toward the hall where his people waiting for him. Yunlan was shocked seeing humans with horns on their head and pretty much calmed not like the others they encounter. A little  boy with horns waiting for him with flowers. "Papa! Is that my gege!" He gave it to Yunlan on his head. "Yunlan! Meet your family!" Yunlan was shocked seeing he have two elder brother, three sisters and a little  brother. All are beautiful  but with horns. While at the center two identical beautiful older ladies standing and gazing at him from head to toes. "They are you mother and your aunt!"

   Lilith  didn't  like what she see as well Loti. "I can't  believe  you brought your illegitimate child here!" Lilith shout. "He is my child  too and the most powerful  one of all my children!" Xin ci shout back. Lilith laugh,  "Really?! His mere mortal now! And quite ugly! His horns are all gone. Yunlan tried to touch his head if he have horns growing.

    "Jiejie! Don't  get angry!" Loti tried to calmed  down her twin. "How can I not be angry! He bought Ching's child here! And he looks more like her mortal mother! I should have get rid of him like her mother!" Xin ci got angry, "So your the one that killed my Ching! We will talk later! And it will not be pleasant  one!" He tried to confront her but his eldest blocking his way.

   An Bai is the eldest of Xin ci's children, "Father! Please! Don't  harm mother!" He beg him. Xin ci huft and pulled Yunlan away from them. Yunlan felt everyone hated him, only his little  didi whose excited to see him.

    "I'm sorry about your mother! I will  talk to Lilith about it!"  Yunlan nod as he did'nt remember anything even  his real mother only his mother on earth and wish he came back to them instead. He surely see the spiteful hate of that woman called Lilith and her meimei Loti toward him. And the creepy looking Zhuiji  whose gazing at him.

     Meanwhile  Da quing  and Guo following Yunlan, Zhuiji and Xin ci. "I can't believe  that demon is Yunlan's  father! His scary!" Guo added, "His stepmother and his aunt too! They really hate him! We better contact our lord to know where we are!" But they suddenly  stop as they saw the didi of Yunlan name Namnam. "Kitty!!!!" And run after them. Da quing  scream while Guo is tagging behind him with his imp form.

    Shen Wei,  Chu and Lin Jing on the other hand disguise  themselves  as demons to rescue Yunlan. As they came to the village of demons. Lin Jing shivered  as they almost look like they're gonna eat him. Chu smack him on the head, " They won't  harm you! Remember  were wearing a disguise as demons as well!"

    As they came upon the castle gate, "I can feel my Ah Lan is in there?!" Pointing to the castle. But two huge demon guards are guarding it with their huge weapon. Lin Jing swallowed  hard. "You two I want you to distract them!" Shen Wei  command them. The two transformed  into a ladies demons. "I hate this job!" Said Lin Jing. Chu nudge him to distract  the two guards while Chu will ready his weapon.

    While they're  charming and flirting with the guards Shen Wei  sneak in to tried to find Yunlan.

   Yunlan on the other hand is in their garden having a picnic with his father. As he tried to make Yunlan remembered  everything. Xin ci recalled  that when he use his power upon him. It make Yunlan have a nasty headache. So he tried to make Yunlan remember  everything  by telling him of his childhood until he became an adult. And also telling him that Shen Wei  put a spell on him to make him fall inlove.

   Yunlan never believed  on that last part of the story. Who can say no to that beautiful  deity. As he smirk making Xin ci frown. "I can sense you don't  believe  me? I am your father! Why would I lie to you?" Yunlan tried to explain that his lover is so beautiful than any female he met. "Preposterous! His not beautiful but an evil deity! Just like their kind!" Yunlan now can't  believe  what his hearing as Xin ci told him they're  the first who tried to conquer them. "The demons have no choice but to fight for their freedom!"


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