To Save His Heart

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    Yunlan use his power to get the dark  shadow out of Shen Wei's  body. It shriek in pain while getting it out.

   "Master! Why are you doing this?!!!" But Yunlan ignored his words and pulled out the dark shadow inside Shen Wei's  body. Everyone was shocked on the next thing he do. As he grabbed  it something  shine in his hands making the dark shadow scream some more and disintegrate in the air.

   While Shen Wei  fall on his arms. "Indeed he is Pongo reincarnation! The first deity that live before us!" Said the Jade Emperor making everyone  shocked. "What do you mean?!" Xin ci ask. Yunlan smirk, "Indeed! I made the universe! I made the four holy animals and maybe even you?! So why do you want to destroy me!!! I have no quarrels with you! I have no interest in your throne! But still you try to kill me?!"

   While caressing Shen Wei's  cheek, who stirred  and look puzzled  on him on what happened. "So Jade Emperor?! Do you still want to challenge me?!!!" The Jade Emperor  called off his soldiers and leave. Making Shen Wei  smile as he hugged  Yunlan. "Ah! My Xiao Wei ! Your the only one whose making me happy and contented in my life!" Yunlan about to kiss him. When Yezun cough, "Gege! We better leave now! I don't  want to see your PDA anymore or I might puke!"

   As Bai Qi  came at his side and pulled Yezun into his arms and left. Xin ci on the other hand look at his former lover in someone  else arms. "Xin ci! I'm sorry but Houyi is now my world!" But before leaving she hugged  Yunlan and caress his face. "I'm glad your alright  and with someone!" As she place the bell back into Yunlan's  waist. "Eventhough your the most powerful deity! Your still my son. If you need help just ring this bell and I'll came running  toward you!" As she kissed  his both cheeks and left with his husband.

   Xin ci look sadly toward his former lover but he have no choice but to go back to his world and family. Before he left he patted Yunlan. "You'll always be welcome back home! If you want to visit?" Yunlan nod, as Xin ci left with his demons.

    Chu hugged  Guo  who was startled. "Yes! It's  over now!" Said Lin Jing  to Da quing who became a young man again. Yunlan on the other hand kissed Shen Wei.  When suddenly  all of the trees, river and mountains that are ruined by their fight became alive again with green grass as flowers bloom.

   Shen Wei  was amaze and look at Yunlan. "Well I am Pongo once creator of everything!" Making Shen Wei  shyly hit him on the chest. That made Yunlan chuckled. "Let's  go home!" As he made a portal and pulled Shen Wei  toward it.
Followed by Chu whose now carrying Guo like a princess while Lin Jing and Da quing laughing as they followed them.

    As years pass by, Yezun and Bai Qi visited his gege Shen Wei and Yunlan. Who have two lovely children Yongo and Wei fei the three year old twins running around their mother. "I can believe  Yunlan made you pregnant with a set of twin?!" That made Shen Wei  smile as he carried his two children. "And where is your loving husband?" He arched  his brow.

   Suddenly  Yunlan came and   ridding a small cloud with a monkey man (Sun Wukong or Goku in japanese) and went down to greet his visitors. "You! Why you befriend him?!" Yezun pointing at Sun Wukong. "Well his the enemy of your father! The enemy of my enemy is my friend!" He tease Yezun.  That made Sun Wukong chuckled. "Gege! Do something! That monkey man is troubling heaven!" As he glared at Yunlan. Shen Wei  and Bai Qi  sweat.

    While not far Chu, Guo, Lin Jing and Da quing  watch their lord and master whose arguing with Yezun. "Oh! No! Your master brings trouble again!" Said Chu to his lover now, Guo. "Don't  worry Sun Wukong will be subdue by a priest!" Whispered  Lin Jing to them. "Where did you get that information?!" Da quing  ask. "I have my source!"

    As they all live happily ever after....well  until Sun Wukong  accidentally  killed the Jade Emperor one day. And Yunlan was choosen to be the new Jade  Emperor. Shen Wei  have no choice as to leave his post and accompanied  his husband to rule heaven. While one of his twin will be the next deity of Life and Death while the other the ruler of the underworld.  Since King Yang is gone.

   Xin ci have a new lover making his wife Lilith angry at him again. Chang E still play her guzheng with Houyi at her side. And because of what Sun Wukong done he was imprisoned  and later subdue  by a priest. Yunlan on the other hand can't  believe  being a Jade Emperor  is hard with many commitment  luckily  Shen Wei  is beside him helping him. As all live happily  ever after........THE END.



     Thank you to my lovely readers and commentors. I hope all of you are safe there! As I have finished this story I will type another chapters in my other stories and begin with another story. As for now chow and see you in my other stories.🌬❄❄❄

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