I've Hurt You

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    Chang E use her power and attack Shen Wei  as well. Shen Wei  have no choice but to defend himself  and his lover.

   Chang E was frustrated seeing how power Shen Wei is and didn't  want to loose. She smirk when she notice Yunlan is unguarded and send her attack toward him. "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  thought Yunlan will get hurt. When suddenly  the bell that Chang E is wearing  on her waist ring.

   Yunlan's  fox power suddenly  protected him likes  it's mother protecting it's child. Chang E felt something  similarity  happening as flashes of memory kept pouring in.


     A little  boy was accompanying  him, "Mommy!" Chang E was just an ordinary human back then. She caress her child seeing his crying because he have horns. And place a small bell on his waist. Everytime someone  bully you ring that bell and I will come running to defend you!"

   The boy nod happily  while running around her. "Promise mommy you will come?" She kiss his forehead, "Yes my little  one I will!" But when she died Yunlan never needed the bell and gave it back to his mother as he buried her. "I will leave you this bell mother, I can defend myself now!" As he gave a flowers to her grave and left.


    "No....!!!! My head is hurting!" She cried. Yunlan was about to run toward her when a fog came. Shen Wei  stop him in a minute before something  struck them. It was a long sword, the weapon quickly swing back to the owner. Who now stood beside Chang E.
"Houyi!" Shout Shen Wei  in anger.

   "My apologize  lord of life and death! But that thing is harming my wife!" As he carried  Chang E in his arms. "Noooo!!! Give me back my mother!!!" Shout Yunlan as he break  Shen Wei's  hold on him and came running toward them. Houyi got angry and his long sword became eight. It circle  beside him and attack Yunlan.

   The bell on Chang E ring again as Yunlan power defend him again knocking off all the sword that almost pierce him. Chang E open her eyes to see how desperate Yunlan want to reach her. "Mother! Don't  leave me again!!!" He cried. But Houyi still defend his wife. Adding his sword of eight to sixteen  and attack Yunlan again. But this time Shen Wei  defend him with his sphere splitting  it too as well as it knock the swords of Houyi.

   Houyi seeing his being gang up by two powerful being set his fog out again and disappeared  with his wife. Yunlan shout trying to find his mother but she was gone. His power hurled  everything  around him cursing the deities  in taking his  mother.

   Shen Wei  seeing the land and it's  people will be obliterate tried to make Yunlan calmed  down. But Yunlan was so angry and he graze Shen Wei's  face accidentally. His accidentally  slice the mask of Shen Wei  as it fell down on the ground. Making Yunlan realize he hurt his lover. "Aaaaah!!!!" Shen Wei  cried and hold where Yunlan have hurt him.

  Seeing what he have done Yunlan rushed  toward him. "Xiao Wei! I'm sorry!!!" Chu and Lin Jing quickly went to their lords aid. We need to get him to the healer quickly. Within seconds they made a portal and disappeared.  Leaving Yunlan with Da quing  and Guo.

  "Master! Let's  follow them!" But Yunlan back away. "I've hurt my Xiao Wei! I can never be with him now!"  And run fast to another direction. Da quing  and Guo was shocked but followed their master trying to stop him.

   Meanwhile  as the doctor trying to heal the wound of their lord. "Ah Lan?! Where is he?" He tried to sit up but the doctor stop him.  "You need to rest my lord the wound that your lover inflicted on you is poisonous! I never seen something  like this in my life! This need days of healing! To get your beautiful face again!" Shen Wei  want to protest but Chu and Lin Jing interefered. "Don't  worry my lord we will find him for you!" As both disappeared  quickly.

   Only to find Da quing  and Guo whose trying to find  their master. "Da quing, Guo! Where is your master?! Our lord is trying to find him!" Da quing  and Guo look at each other, "He run off saying he can't  live with Lord Shen Wei  because he hurt him!"  Chu and Lin Jing was shocked hearing it. "No matter what we got to find him or our lord will go berserk if he finds out he lost his lover again!"

   Meanwhile  Yunlan hides in a cave thinking what he have done to his lover and the deities who took away his mother. First he cried why fate have given to him. But in a moment he laugh manically  as he became angry on why this thing happening  to him. Suddenly  he heard someone  called him at the back of the cave.

   He walk toward it just to find a dark shadow whose been cage in the cave. "Who are you?!" He ask. "Just tell me do you want to take revenge on the people who have hurt  you and your lover or not?! Release me here and I will help you.  No not only help but I will destroy anyone who comes  between your happiness! So what would you say?" The shadow smirk.

    In a moment  Chu find Yunlan walking aimlessly to nowhere. "Where have you've been!" He run toward him and angrly ask. "My Xiao Wei? Is he alright?!" Chu grabbed  his robe and shake him, "I don't  care who you are! But if you harm my lord again I will destroy you!" Da quing  defend Yunlan with Guo. "Don't  you dare touch our master!" Da quing  shout. As they're  ready to fight Chu if necessary. "Calmed down all of you! We need to go back our lord is waiting!" Shout Lin Jing.

   That's  the only time Chu release Yunlan and made a portal, "Let's  hurry my lord awaits!" As he let Yunlan go first with his followers before Lin Jing and him went to the portal.

   There Shen Wei  sitting on the couch with a new mask on his face. So Yunlan won't  see the damage he done to his beautiful face. He stand up seeing his lover run toward him. Yunlan hugged  and apologizing  non stop to him. As he caress his face. "I promise I will be an obedient lover! And will not hurt you! Just don't  be angry to me!" Yunlan hold him tightly in his arms.

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