Don't You Dare

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    Lin Jing and Chu waited for Ya Qing  and his body guards to get out of the dungeon before they proceed to rescue Guo.

    Meanwhile  Yunlan and Shen Wei  are arguing because of Guo. "His a spy! Why can't  you understand  it? He betray us!" Shen Wei  trying to make Yunlan understand  his feelings. Yunlan turned his back on him. "Just like you lie to me?"

   That made Shen Wei  shocked, "What?!" Yunlan walk back to Shen Wei  and gaze at his eyes. "Why didn't  you tell me the truth? I'm not an idiot?! On why that demon Xin ci kept calling me his son and Guo telling me your lover was a halfdemon?! Right now I'm solving the pieces one by one.

   But the main question on how I turned into a human?!" Shen Wei  denied what his saying and hold Yunlan tightly into his arms. "Just believe  in me and no one else!" Yunlan can't  look at him but his eyes look at Da quing.  The cat boy can't  look at Yunlan as if he want to tell something.

   "Then rescue little  Guo! I want I'm the one to punish him and no one else! He lied to me! So get him!" That made Shen Wei  pushed  Yunlan lightly and was shocked at his statement.

   Meanwhile  Lin Jing and Chu helping Guo to walk back to the portal but Ya Qing  and his guards saw them. And block their passage way out. "No one is leaving here alive!" She shout  at the guards who run toward Lin Jing, Chu and Guo. Chu laid the unconcious Guo on the ground .  "Don't  worry I'll come back for you!" As Chu and Lin Jing fights  the guards of Ya Qing.

   Their weapons suddenly  appeared on their hands, Chu got the big axe while  Lin Jing got the sword.

   At first they are winning in the fight but as Ya Qing  sees it. She quickly calls more soldiers to fight them. When all is getting lost suddenly  Shen Wei  appeared  and fight Ya Qing  and her men. Chu and Lin Jing can't  believe what they're  seeing. Their lord came and help them.

   King Yang on the other hand woke up sensing someone  who have special power went through his kingdom. "My nephew is becoming bold every minute! Maybe I need to see him now?" As he went to his dungeon. But as he step into the dungeon  a force field was made by Shen Wei.  And he can't  break into it. It also alert Shen Wei  that his shushu have awoken.

   He quickly called his weapon and finished  the job. And collect his men and went inside the portal back to their land.

   King Yang was too late in getting inside as he saw his men were obliterated,  including Ya Qing.

    Shen Wei  and the other came back while Yunlan and Da quing  are waiting for them to arrive. Yunlan quickly hugged  Shen Wei . As Da quing  help Chu and Lin Jing holding Guo up. Yunlan almost cried seeing his little friend all wounded. Shen Wei  suddenly  wave his hand unto Guo making all his bruises and wounds heal. "Take him to the healer's room to take a rest!"  All nod and about to leave.

    But suddenly  an earthquake  came. All where shocked  and stood their ground. Suddenly  King Yang came and angrily called his soldiers to attack Shen Wei.  Shen Wei's  soldier defend their lord as well Chu, Da quing and  Lin Jing. "Ah Lan! Stay with Guo until he wakes up! This is gonna be messy!" But Yunlan won't  let him go.  "You must understand  that my shushu and I need to resolve our problem!" As he quickly went to the fight.

    Yunlan look helplessly  as he watch Shen Wei  fight his shushu. Suddenly  his head ache came back and almost fall on his kness. Luckily  Guo woke up and  was there to hold him. As they continue to watch what's  happening.  Suddenly  hords of demon came rushing out of the portal. Guo have no choice but to help Chu and the others. "Stay here, my master!"

    But he can't  take it anymore as he saw Xin ci attack Shen Wei  as well. He took an old sword on the ground and run toward him. Shen Wei  is in a difficult state eventhough  his the most powerful his enemies is his Shushu the Lord of the Underworld and at  his side is the king of hell. Both parties are also powerful as he.

   Yunlan on the other hand tried to reach him. But a few demons almost struck him with their weapons. Da quing  suddenly  block them and shoved  them with a force. And lift Yunlan up to safety. "!!! I want to fight with my Xiao Wei!!!" But Da quing  disagree with it. "Not in this state my master! Remember  your just a mere mortal! You wil only hinders  our lord in fighting!"

   But one of the demons trip Da quing  making them both stumble and fall. Before Yunlan faint he saw Shen Wei  was graze by King Yang's  weapon. That made Yunlan tried hard to get up as he block out.

   Shen Wei  on the other hand was cornered by King Yang and King Xin ci.
He have shoved the weapon of Shen Wei  on his hand and throw it in the battlefield.  "Sorry my dear nephew! This is not in my plan! I only want your father's  attention! But you ruined it! Plus you discovered what  are my plans are!"  King Xin ci look at  King Yang on what his talking about. "I don't know what you want from your nephew? I just want my son back!" Lord Yang just realize King Xin ci is with him and almost revealed his plan. "Don't  worry you will have him back!" As he called his own sphere and about to thrust it to Shen Wei's  chest.

    Suddenly  a bright light shine behind them and  blinding everyone in the battlefield including Shen Wei,  Lord Yang and King Xin ci. When out of nowhere  a imaginary strong hands blocked  the sphere of Lord Yang.

   King Xin ci look at the direction on where the hands came from and was shocked it was his son. Yunlan woke up having his memory back as well his power. Tossing everyone in his way as he walk toward to Shen Wei.  "NO ONE TOUCHES  MY WEI!!! NO ONE!!!" Yunlan shout as his eyes glow.

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