My Only One

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    When Shen Wei  came back from the meetings of the deities.  Still he remembers what his father said.

   "Why did you choose a weakling human for a partner?!" He answer him sternly, "We deities  can choose  anyone we like their is no rules that said that we must choose  our equal!" As he left hurriedly  just to see Yunlan sleeping  on the grassy meadow of the garden with Da quing  guarding him.

   "He looks so peaceful and handsome sleeping like that." He can't  help to steal a kiss on those plump lips making Yunlan open his cute brown eyes. "Xiao Wei! Your back!" He suddenly  hold him tightly.  Shen Wei  sense his lover's distress  and saw his teary eyes.

   "What's  wrong?! Did someone tease you?!" And glared to Da quing.  Da quing  swallowed  hard, "He just heard from our people you have many lovers before!" How can Shen Wei  explain it that the lovers he choosen is his  reincarnation. But he said it aside  and scoop his lover. "Don't  think to much! They are the past! Your my present!" As he carried him back to bed.

   Yunlan giggled while Shen Wei  start kissing his neck, jaw and plump lips. He can't  help feeling excited  in what will happen next. When he suddenly  felt Shen Wei  taking off his robe. He tride to mimic him as he tried stripping  him with his robe as well.  But as Shen Wei  suck and lick his nipples he can't  help to hold him tightly as he clutches to that loose robe. To pressed  Shen Wei's mouth to his heated body for more. "Aaaah.....Xiao.....Wei.   He pleaded more.

    And accidentally  burst on him. Making Shen Wei  chuckled and proceed to licking those white liquid off his body. Yunlan is in verge of explosion as those warmful lips suck and lick his prize. Making him moan in pleasure. As Shen Wei  suddenly swallowed him whole. He scream while arching his body. And spilled inside of him again. When Shen Wei  have suck him dry he spread Yunlan's  legs and thrusted inside.

    Yunlan scream and moan in pleasure as he was taken again and again. Yunlan can't  help himself  to bite Shen Wei's  shoulder  as he thrusted so deep inside of him. Within an hour as both fall on the bed, Yunlan snuggled to Shen Wei's  hold whispering  sweet nothing to him. Shen Wei  hold his hand and kiss it. "No matter what you hear I promise to you! Your the only one for me!" That put a smile into Yunlan's  face and jump to Shen Wei  kissing him non stop.

    "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  laugh as the latter  gave him rain of kisses on the face. He suddenly  flipped  him up and make love to him that night.

   Meanwhile  Guo told to King Yang what he have discovered. "His only a simple man but something  look familiar in him?" He can't  recall. But King Yang smile, "Call Xin ci and I have good news for him! Quickly!"

   Within an hour, darkness fall upon King Yang's  kingdom. There a tall man stood with his minions of demons. The man wear an animal clothes while his belt the skulls of human. But you can see in his aura how dignified he is as he stand among his peers. "My lord! I hope it's  good news you bring!" As he bow to him. "My friend come here! I have but  promise me! You won't  be shocked!"

    "My imp have found someone but I cannot  guarantee  if it's  your son? His a feeble human with no magic or power just a pet of Shen Wei!" As he show the image that Guo have seen. Xin ci scrunch his forehead. "That human! I want to see him in person! I want to confirm if his my real son?" But King Yang stop him.

   "You can't  his in the realm of my dear nephew! You know what happened  when I opened  it once for you? He obliterate every single of your demons!" Xin ci is getting impatient, "What would you suggest?" He ask. "Will wait! Until he come out of Shen Wei's  realm then will catch him!"

   Xin ci look puzzled on why his helping him. "Don't  ask! I just want  a little  revenge on my gege he have forgotten  me here in the darkness! Just like you! I want him to know that I'm still alive and breathing!" As he smirk.

   Meanwhile  Shen Wei  and Yunlan with Da quing and Lin Jing   have made two portals again.  "Why can't  I work with you?!" Yunlan pout. Shen Wei  made a sword for him. "Keep this it will protect you! And you can't  go with me. "  But Yunlan pout cutely to him. "No! Lin Jing will come with me!" And left hurriedly. 

   Yunlan still staring where Shen Wei  went. "Master! Our portal is waiting for us!" Yunlan suddenly  got an idea, "We can take a peek? Right?" Da quing  shake his head, "!!! My lord doesn't  want  you to come there! You can't  withstand what's  happening  there!"

    But still Yunlan went in followed by Da quing.  He was shocked seeing war right infront of him between two countries. He suddenly  saw Shen Wei  standing right infront of a dying man. The girl is hysterical  screaming to save her lover. Yunlan seen the girl is wearing a uniform of a soldier of another country. While the dying man in her arms is wearing the opposite side of the other.

   "They are lovers! I must stop Shen Wei!" Da quing  tried to stop him. But as he came near him it was too late Shen Wei  swing his spear to take the soul of man.  "No!!!"  The man died in the arms of the woman. Shen Wei  look upon Yunlan, "What are you doing here?!" Shen Wei  got distracted that he never notice the woman saw him.

   And pick up her sword and struck Shen Wei  at the back. All are shocked including Yunlan. But nevertheless  Shen Wei  is a deity and the sword just went through him but it did not kill him. As his wound healed quickly and the sword fall on the ground.

    "I'm sorry it's  not yet your time but you saw me!" And swing his spear toward the woman. The woman died beside his lover. Making Yunlan shocked as he recalled  that was what happened  to him.

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