The Pet Of The Pet

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    Yezun and the other deities  aren't quite happy that  his gege choose  Yunlan.

   "That man have already made a mess! He have help a human being alive! It's  his time to die! Because of that my cycle of resurrection got all jumble!" The diety of resurrection complain. "Don't  worry I'll try to fix this mess!"

    Meanwhile  Yunlan still staring game with Shen Wei  both don't  want to loose in it. Suddenly  they heard a cought. A small, black cat came. "You remember  we still have a job?!" That made Yunlan's  eyes sparkle, "A talking cat! Can I have him Xiao Wei?!!!" He pleaded. Da quing  want to protest.

   But that made Shen Wei  smirk, "As I said you will do as what I say! And maybe you will have that kitty cat?!" That irritates Da quing,  "Hey! I'm no man's  property?!!!" But with that Shen Wei  cast a spell upon Yunlan as he agree. Shen Wei  smile and pulled him to a steamy kiss while kicking Da quing  out of the room.

   The kiss became intense as Yunlan's  robe was thrown on the floor leaving him naked to the hungry eyes of Shen Wei.  "Hmmmm....This is making me hungry!" While caressing Yunlan's  bare body with his fingers. Yunlan can't  help to moan as he touches those sensative  spots.  "Lovely!" As he dived to captured that plump lips, his neck toward that delicious body of his. Within a second Shen Wei  rocking his body inside of him making Yunlan scream in pleasure and pain.

    Outside  Yezun and Bai Qi  was about to talk to Shen Wei  but Da quing  block them. "His busy for a moment!" That made Yezun said to him that he need to talk to him immediately. But Da quing  didn't  budge a bit, "I told you my lord is busy! Maybe you can talk to him next time."

    Yezun have no patient  anymore as his half crescent spear appeared.  "Move cat boy! Or you will answer to my blade!!!" Da quing  turned  back into a young man and hold his weapon as well a double edge sword with chain.
Bai Qi  trying to stop the fight but the two looking intense on one another as he did'nt  know whose the first to draw his weapon.

   With a blink of an eye Yezun use his half crescent spear. That was block by Da quing's  weapon. Their so called fight became intense when every things  around them crashed and broken. The minions of Shen Wei  were alerted on what's happening.  But can't  interfere  on their intense fight. "This is no good their trashing our lord's place! He wouldn't  be please." Lin Jing said. But they couldn't  do anything as both good at speed  in using their weapons.

     When almost both at near each other throats suddenly  a dark smoke appeared. Lord Shen Wei  shout on them. "What's  going on?!" And gaze to his didi. "What are you doing here?! I thought we have finished  our talk didi?!"  But Yezun made his weapon disappeared.  "Gege! The other deities  warned you to get that human out of our realm! He spell trouble! And they're not happy about him!"

    But it only made Shen Wei  laugh, "Enough! When you choose your own partner I didn't disagree  nor do I recommend  you to someone! And now you and deities  meddling in my affair?! Be off!!! And never to return  here if that's  the only talking you want?!!!" His didi about to protest  but Shen Wei  turned  his back on him and disappeared. Making all his furnitures that are broken fixed again.

    Then appeared back to his room where a naked Yunlan waiting for him on the bed. "Xiao.....Wei...." He seductively  said. Shen Wei  quickly went beside him and continue to kiss him again. Making Yunlan arched  his body to press more to Shen Wei's  heated one. "Your very impatient my little  pet!" While he took off his own clothes infront of Yunlan who drool at his beauty. "Don't  call me pet!" He protest.  But scream as Shen Wei  thrust into him again. "I'll call you what ever I want because your mine!" As he thrust deep into him making him moan loud in pleasure as he burst into him.

     The next morning,  Yunlan wake up when he felt something licking his face. He bolted to sit only to feel the pain on what happened  last night. And can't  help to become red as he remembered  it. But his thinking breaks when a meow sound he heard. "Kitty cat!" He scooped  the black cat into his arms and nuzzled into it. "I gave you Da quing! I hope you'll take care of him!" As Shen Wei  appeared  wearing a white robe.

   Yunlan without thinking stand up and hugged  Shen Wei  to thank him for giving him the talking cat. Whose quite annoyed he became a pet of a human.
"If he gives you trouble just tell it to me and I will discipline  him." He suddenly  gaze at the cat on the bed who sweat.

    "'s  fine! I will give him all the love, tender and care!" But that made Shen Wei  jealous  and embraced  Yunlan tightly into his arms .  While Yunlan realize he doesn't  have a clothes yet. As his bare naked body graze unto the robe of Shen Wei.  He can't  help to be embarrassed  and tried to get away from him.

    But Shen Wei  won't  let him as he hold him tightly  and touch his back. Yunlan can't  help to moan.  As he felt a certain warm and electricity making it's  way into his body as he jerk uncontrollably  on Shen Wei's  hold. Shen Wei  can't  help to chuckled and be please on how Yunlan looking so red and moaning his name.  He quickly laid him back to bed and make love to him once again.

    Da quing  run quickly outside as he knows what will follow. Chu and Lin Jing was waiting outside for him to be tease. "So you become the pet of the pet of our lord!" They laugh. Da quing  scratch Lin Jing's  arm to warn him and hist in anger.


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