It Show It's Fangs

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    "What are you saying I'm not angry? I'm just glad you came back!" Shen Wei sweetly kiss Yunlan on the head, cheek and his plump red lips.

   But unexpectedly  Yunlan took off his mask seeing the scar he gave his lover. He can't  help to cry, "Did I've done this?" While touching the wound he inflicted on Shen Wei. Shen Wei  close his eyes to feel Yunlan's  fingers traces his scar. Shen Wei  hiss making Yunlan worried more.

   "It's  alright! It's  only a small wound and  it will fade in no time!" But Yunlan felt guilty, "Your beautiful face is ruined  because of me!" He kiss Shen Wei  and lean to his shoulder.  "I will take care of you I promise!"

   Next morning  the servants about to give their lord his food. Yunlan block them and his the one carried it to him. Spoon feeding Shen Wei.  When Yezun and Bai Qi  came. "Gege!" He quickly went to his brother side ignoring the glared of Yunlan.

   "Your hurt! Who done this to your beautiful  face!" And look angrily at Yunlan who suddenly  felt guilty. "Didi! Stop doing that! He didn't  mean it! He was threaten by Houyi! Wait! How did you know what happened?!" Shen Wei  arch his brow before wearing the mask again.

    "A little  bird tweet me?" Chu sweat while Lin Jing glared at him. Yezun took off his mask. "I brought you some medicine!" And apply it to his gege's  wound. Yunlan didn't  know his becoming jealous  at the twins closeness. That he almost break the tray his holding.

   Bai Qi  notice a dark aura Yunlan is emitting.  Yezun added more as he finished  applying the medicine. He blow it on his gege's face. His pink, soft lips like Shen Wei  is so near to his lover as he almost kiss him. Shen Wei  notice the closeness of his lips, he lightly pushed his didi away. He suddenly  found out Yunlan left with a broken tray left at the table.

   "What a drama queen!" Smirk Yezun. "Didi!" Shen Wei  glared and command Lin Jing to call Yunlan back. "You should never do that Yezun!" Bai Qi  scolded him. "Pfft!" He just snub him.

    Meanwhile  Yunlan was tailed by Da quing  and Guo. Because they don't  want to loose their master again. Yunlan unexpectedly  punch a big rock, that made a big crack on it. Almost making Da quing  and Guo jump back.
"I don't  feel good!" As he laid on the grassy floor.

   "Don't  be jealous  master! Lord Shen Wei  have only eyes for you!" Said Da quing.  But everytime Yunlan close his eyes he kept imagining  Yezun kissing his precious  Shen Wei  infront of him. "Mmmmh! My gege's  lips is delicious!" As he tease him more touching Shen Wei in inappropriate  way making him moan in pleasure. "Aaaaah.....didi...."

    Yunlan suddenly  open his eyes in anger and sit down abruptly.  Making Da quing  jump at his cat form to Guo who also was startled. "No!!!!" Suddenly  someone whispered  to him. "Do you want me to teach that brat a lesson?" It hiss on his ears. Yunlan nod without his acknowledge as the dark shadow left.

   Da quing  and Guo look at each other, "Whose master is talking?" Guo ask. Da quing  use his cat eyes. And wonder whose that shadow is. When suddenly  Lin Jing came, "Yunlan! Our lord wants to talk to you!" Yunlan angry face change, "Xiao Wei! I forgot!" He hurriedly went back tail by his subordinates  and Lin Jing.

   "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  was about to get up but Yunlan stop him. He pass by a fuming  Yezun. "Let's  leave! Where not needed here anymore!" As he can't  stand seeing his gege in the arms of Yunlan and went to his portal. Bai Qi  followed him when suddenly  the portal close abruptly.  "What?!"

   Inside the portal, Yezun was surprised  it didn't  open at the other side and Bai Qi  didn't  got a chance to get in. "You little  deity always gives trouble to my master!" As it laugh. Yezun became alert as his weapon emerge. "Who are you coward! Show yourself!" It hiss and covered him with his dark smoke before Yezun could scream.

    Meanwhile  in heaven Chang E can't  sleep. As she remembered  how Yunlan look at her. She remember  the little boy who called her mother. And look at the bracelet  that Houyi gave back then.
"Why Houyi initial  is not here?!" While thinking  Houyi came. "Why are you sitting! You need to rest!" And about to push her back to bed when she swat his hand. "I want you to tell me the truth! Whose that young man that kept  telling I'm his mother!"

    Houyi gritted  his teeth, "I told you that man lie! Your my wife!" And pushed  Chang E to bed. As he put a blanket on her. "Don't  think too much my beloved wife! I will take care of you!"

   Back to the realm of Shen Wei.  Yunlan giving pleasure to Shen Wei.  "Ah Lan....." He turned his head to make Yunlan kiss his pale, long neck. Yunlan kissing and sucking his neck. While Shen Wei stripping  him with his robe. To reveal the sculpture, tan body of Yunlan. He pulled him more to him feeling that warm bare body on top of him.

   Yunlan on the other hand took of the rope of Shen Wei's  robe. As he went down sucking and licking that sweet, pink buds. Shen Wei  can't  help to arch his body for more as Yunlan grind his prize unto his. "Aaaaah......Lan  take me!" Yunlan smirk as he shift his attention to the throbing prize of Shen Wei  and engulf  him in one blow.

    Shen Wei  scream in pleasure as Yunlan swallowed  him whole. Making him burst inside of him instantly.  "I can't  wait no more!" As he swallowed  all his seeds and thrust to Shen Wei  slowly inside his pink hole. Shen Wei  almost yelp as he was taken in again and again . The bed almost break as Yunlan kept rocking his body inside of him. As he shout Shen Wei's  name and spilled inside of him. "Xiao Wei!!!"

   Back to Yezun, luckily  Bai Qi  broke down the portal and use his weapon against that vile thing.  He swing his double edge sword making the shadow hiss and disappeared.  Yezun fall into his arms. His clothes was almos teared off. "That thing almost ate me!" He cried in Bai Qi's  shoulder. As he saw some wounds on Yezun he carried him back to their realm.

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