Meeting His Father

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    Yunlan almost faint in what he saw Shen Wei  merciless took the soul of the woman. "At least now the two of them will be together."

   But as Shen Wei  was about  to walk toward to his lover. Yunlan back away in fright and went back to the portal. That made Shen Wei  heart broken. Da quing  apologize  for his action. As he followed his master. Lin Jing just came back saw what happened,  "What a wimp!" But stop as he saw his lord glared at him.

   Yunlan almost can't  breath as he was spit to another portal. He almost puke but was shocked to it's not the domain of Shen Wei.  "Wait?! Where are we?!" Da quing  also followed him and look puzzled on where they are. Suddenly  someone chuckled behind  him. "Are you Zhao Yunlan?!" The tall man ask. Yunlan back away as he saw the man with horns and beside him his demons.

   Yunlan swallowed  hard and his ready to draw his sword to the stranger. "Don't  be frightened! I won't  harm you!" As he got near him, Da quing  change himself into a young man and draw his sword. "Don't  come near my master!" He shout. "Pesky cat!" He shoved him with his power. Yunlan about to help Da quing.

   But he was held by Xin ci's hand at his face. And look closely to Yunlan's cute, brown eyes. Yunlan draw his sword and attempted  to swing it to Xin ci. That made Xin ci dropped  him and thrown his sword on the floor. The demons suddenly  hold him into place. Laughing evily at him.
Yunlan kept calling Da quing.

   Da quing  tried to run toward him but the demons also hold him tightly. "What do you want from me?!" Shout Yunlan in fright. As he struggled from their hold. Xin ci again look at him, inspecting him carefully.  "My lovely son! What that deity Shen Wei  have done to you?! He drained your power and memory of me!"

   Yunlan can't  believe  what his hearing, "Your not my parents! My parents are human! Let go of me!" But then Xin ci's hand glow and put it on the head of Yunlan he scream as memory kept pouring in.

   Shen Wei  in the other dimension felt something  happened  to his lover. He quickly went in to the portal with Lin Jing just to see what's  happening.  The air became cold that made Xin ci stop on what his doing. "No! Why  his here?!" He suddenly  jump back in time as the spear of Shen Wei  almost slice him. "You! Take your filthy  hands off my Ah Lan!"

   One by one the demons are slice up with in a minute. As an unconcious Yunlan almost fell on the ground. Luckily Shen Wei quickly caught  him, "Ah Lan!" He shake him and glared at Xin ci. "Boy! That's  my son your carrying! Give him back to me!!!" One of his subordinates Zhuiji stop him as he saw the deadly aura that Shen Wei  is emitting. He won't  let anyone touch that feeble human or they will answer to his blade.
    His master eventhough  his the strongest of all the  demons. The deity of life and death can kill him with one swing of his spear. He pulled his king, "Please sir we must leave! His  more powerful than us! But I promise you will surely get your son back!" As he look upon his handsome face. Xin ci felt his subordinate lust for his son but he set it aside so they can leave quickly.

    Shen Wei  killing aura fade as the demons leave. He carried back his lover followed by his followers.

    Yunlan on the other hand kept dreaming when he was child being bullied by the human kids. And how his real mother died. As he thought everything is dark  and black. Suddenly a ray of light came in the form of Shen Wei.  "I love just remember  that!" He whispered  to him while kissing his sorrows away. But suddenly  his spear appeared  and slashed  his throat. "Why....." And fall on the ground gasping for air as blood flows down from his neck.

    Yunlan woke up screaming and sweating. Shen Wei  tried to hug him but the latter jump back from his hold as he recognize him. He look betrayed and went to a corner to covered himself up like a ball. "Don't  come near me!" But when Shen Wei  pulled him to his embrace. Yunlan scream again and trying to get away from him. Until he faint in exhaustion.  Da quing  looking at his master got worried.

   "What's  wrong with him?!!!" Lin Jing whispered  to him. "The king of demons brought back his memory! Surely it's  very painful! It will kept pouring inside you! Even jumbling everything what you believe  in!"  Da quing  look back to his lord. "My lord! What's  the relationship  of that demon to my master!" He ask. But Shen Wei  glared at them.

   "Leave!" Shen Wei  shout at them. Lin Jing pulled Da quing  out leaving the two of them. Shen Wei  made a spell again and cast it to Yunlan. Whose having the worst nightmare ever. But as that warm hand touches his head. The nightmare vanished and only beautiful dream of his childhood with his human family remains.

   Suddenly  Yunlan smile in his dream and snuggle closely to that warm body beside him. "Ah Lan! I love you! I'll do anything just so you'll be beside me forever!" And kiss the crown of his head. While wiping the tears on his face.

     That stirred  Yunlan to wake up and gaze lovingly  to that beautiful face. "Xiao.....Wei.... I love you too!" While touching Shen Wei's  face. Shen Wei  hold his hand and kiss it gently. As tears fall from his beautiful, dark eyes. "I always dream that you will always be with me!" Yunlan pulled him to kiss those soft, pink lips.

    "Why are you crying? Funny I have the weirdest  dream. That my father is not human and you killed me? But then that nightmare became a beautiful  dream with my parents on earth. I miss them! Can I visit them some how? Just to see if they're  okay?" Shen Wei  caressed his hair, "Anything you want my love!" As he continue to kiss him again and make love to him that day.

   Unknown  to them the imp was watching everything that happened  and about to report to his lord when Chu accidentally  step on to him as he squeek.

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