problems already

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narrator pov:

Dominick is walking down the street and sees trey and yells " Hey Trey! I heard you was sexing my girl!" trey turns around and says " Nigga she wasn't your girl when you started cheating on her and even if she was your girl I would still be sexing her cause she know I got that good loving" and with him saying that and with the simple fact that he still has a thing for Brit he gets mad and pushes trey while saying " I want you to stay away from brit that's my girl" and as Dominick was yelling at trey and making a scene brit was running out of her house and when she got to where they where she stepped in front of trey stopping him from punching Dominick in the face and yells at Dominick " WTF are you doing here Dominick I told you I never wanted to see you again and WTF you mean im your girl." baby you I love you and this dickhead here said he was sexing you and I cant have him sexing my girl" brit looked at him in disbelief they have been broken up for like a month because he cheated on her and was so hurt and distrout when trey stared flirting with her and she fell for him and they have been inseparable every since given that he almost got a girl pregnant but the girl turned out to be a whore and had sex with everybody and the baby wasn't trey's even though he was happy he didn't have to be a young dad at the age of 24 he was ready to give up his partying days to be a loving father. just thinking about it made brit tingle knowing that her boyfriend was so sweet and willing to help others before himself but coming back to reality she looked at Dominick and said "im not your girl Dominick now get your amazon looking self away from me and trey!" and trey is laughing his butt off not while saying " DTFL get him boo!" Dominick is heated now and he is defeated and realizes that he is never going to get brit back so he says " fine be that way but don't come crying back to me when he cheat on your dumb butt." and with that he walks (more like storms) away. brit turns and looks at trey " I heard what you said" she said while winking at him so he smiles and says " well lets go home so I can show you why I said it so proudly" he said while walking back towards brit's house.

*Mel & Chris*

Mel and Chris where snuggling on Mel's couch watching a movie when Chris started thinking about how much he liked Mel and how pretty she was and that he thought he wanted to make things official so he looked down at her and said "so when we gonna make this official girl?"

Melanie being Melanie instantly when into defense mode and tried to play dumb " What you mean?"

Chris knowing exactly what she was doing got frustrated at the thought that she didn't want to be his girl "Mel come on now you way to cute to be acting dumb"

" Awe you think im cute"  " Come on stop playing Mel, im serious I wanna make you my girl" with a slightly defeated sigh Mel countered with " Come on Chris lets not do this again" " we're gonna have to talk at some point lets just talk now" "we can talk just not about this!" with Mel saying that Chris's frustration grew even more so he just finally said what he was thinking " WHY NOT! What's your big problem with commitment!" " I said I don't want to talk about it Chris" " Do you not want to be my girlfriend or something" " Where did you get that from, I never said that!"

Now Chris is hurt because he is letting his emotions get to him and he just got more mad which is not a good thing because that was only making Mel even more enraged and that made Chris want to punch a wall " Then why cant we just make it official , everybody already think we dating!" "we're not everybody's business" By now Chris was over the whole conversation and just ready to go home and have a drink so he just looked at Mel in her eyes and with all the sincerity in his body that he could muster up he took a breath and said " You know what, fine Mel, do what you want, im leaving, call me when you get your stuff together. But just know im not always gonna be here waiting for you." and with that he walked out of her house. The first thing that comes to Mel's mind to do is to call Jazzy.


"What it do boo?"

"Can you come over?"

"Is everything ok?"

"No but can you come over plz?"

"Yea sure. You want me to call Brit"

"Yea plz."

" KK be there in 5 mins"

*10 mins later*

After Mel finished explaining everything to Brit and Jazzy, Jazzy was the first one to say something "Well why didn't you just do it to make him happy" "because you know what happened with me and emonty I don't want to go through that again" "Your gonna have to on from that at some point." Brit joining in saying "yea but until then we are still here for you."

Mel sighs at this semi-smiling because she is so thankful to have such great friends who are there for her and gets what she is going through but then sighs again saying "Thanx but that still doesn't solve my problem with Chris." brit was the first one to say some thing "do what your heart leads you to do" Mel sighed "my heart wants to be with chris. but I just don't want what happened with me and emonty to happen with me and chris." jazzy joined in saying "you cant live your life based off emonty's dumb mistake. just say yes to chris and see where things go from there." Mel sighed in defeat and said "ok but if things go wrong im coming for both of yall." brit was the first one to say "no you aint cause ima run from you" jazzy being jazzy said "girl you aint bout that life" Mel being Mel said "nigga what" "nigga lets go then" "trick square up then" "trick pump start" brit joined in talking to no one in particular saying "it about to go down DTFL!"


so I know it wasn't much and it wasn't that good but I promise it gets better next chapter will be jazzy and diggy I just wanted to get my first chapter out there .not edited

love you if you read and vote and comment on my book




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