Drunk Confession

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'Please...it's Frank's birthday and it's just us at the club...' Nat said, sitting next to Max on the bed. The pair were together at Max's dorm room after going out for lunch together.

'That's what I'm worried about...' Max looked at his boyfriend.

Max never let Nat go to the club without him..it's not like he's being possesive (he is kinda possesive but still reasonable) it's just he's worried about Nat's well being...a lot could happen in a short amount of time.

'Please P...I promise take care of myself...beside, everyone know who I am...they wouldn't dare to mess with Max Saran's boyfriend.' Nat begged, pouting his lips. 'Please...'

Max knew he's on losing end when it comes to Nat's way of pleading.


'Thank you P!' Nat kissed Max's cheek.

'But promise me you would drink responsibly...or your sisters gonna kill me...'

'Yes sir!' Nat sat on Max's lap. 'Thank you for trusting me P...that means a lot to me...'

A peck landed on Max's lips.

A few days later...

Zee glanced at Max who's sitting next to him...the guy kept looking at his phone every 2 minutes, as if he was waiting an important call to arrive.

'Dude, you ok?' Zee nudged him. They were at Zee's apartment with a few of their friends having a game night and hang out together.

'I'm..I'm good...' Max replied without looking.

It's almost 10pm and it's been 2 hours since Nat went to the club to celebrate his friend's birthday.

'Are you still worried about Nat?' Zee asked.

'How could I not be? He's never been to a club without me...' There's a concern tone in Max's voice.

'Relax ok? He's there with his friends...he's gonna be alright...stop worrying.' Zee patted Max's thigh. 'Yo Net! You're next!'

It wasn't until almost midnight when a call came to Max's phone...it was from Nat.


'P'Max! Can you come and pick me up...I...'

Suddenly the call was disconnected.

'HELLO? Nat? Babe?'

Max tried to call back but it failed.

'Hey Zee, I gotta go...Nat just called and he doesn't sound good...' Max got up and gathered his stuff.

'Want me to go with you?' Zee said.

'It's ok...I'll just head back to my place with Nat...'

'Call me if you need anything...'

'Thanks man...'

15 minutes later, Max arrived at the club. He walked in, looking around trying to find Nat. Then his eyes spotted his boyfriend at a table with his friends, laughing, moving his body along the blaring music.

'This is the best birthday ever!' Frank said, pouring drinks into the empty glasses.

'Too bad there aren't any cute guys here tonight!' Sammy pouted, putting her arms around Pear.

'Hey, I'm cute!' Yacht said, pointing at himself.

'No you're not! Nat is cute...' Pear said making kissy face at Nat.

'Sorry girls but I already have a boyfriend...' Nat took out his phone that he dropped earlier when he called Max. 'Damn it...my phone is broke...how am I gonna call P'Max?'

'You don't have to worry about that...he's here...' Fiat said.

Nat turned around and saw Max walking towards their table.


Max was caught offguard when Nat suddenly ran and leaped on him.

'P'Max! You came!' Nat said, wrapping his petite frame on Max's larger one.

'You're drunk...how much did you drink?' Max frowned.

'Not that much...I missed you...' Nat nuzzled his face at the crook of Max's neck. 'Hmmm...you smell good...'

'Urghh...couples make me sick...' James said, hugging Yacht. 'I seriously need a boyfriend...'

'But I'm straight...'

'Not you dude...'

Max carried Nat out from the club and went home. Carrying Nat was easy since the younger guy is small and he doesn't mind it at all.

Drunk Nat is kinda cute to Max...the younger one kept on whining, babbling nonsensicle stuff that Max could hardly understand.

'P'Max...do you love me?' Nat said as they arrived inside Max's room. Max put him on the bed gently and start to take off his shoes and socks.

'Of course...why did you ask?'

Max went to the bathroom and came back out with a large bowl of warm water and small towel.

'You know...I love you very much...like insanely love you...' Nat grinned, sitting at the edge of the bed.

'Really? I didn't know that...' Max kneeled and start to wipe Nat's face, neck and arms with the warm water.

'Well, now you know...'

Nat cupped Max's face with both of his palm, squishing the cheeks together.

'I like you when you're playing soccer, I like you when you're in your head hazer mode...and most of all, I like you when you do your boyfriend duties...' Nat kissed Max's lips. 'And when people said that you're fierce...I just think that you look super adorable...cute!' Another kiss.

'P'Max...do you love me?'

'You just asked me that a few minutes ago...of course I love you...'

'Good to know that...because I love you the most!'

As Nat's face got closer to Max, the younger slowly losing conciousness and end up collapsing againt Max's body.

'And I love you the most too baby...'

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