I Missed You

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It's an exhausting day for Max, his internship was indeed harder than what he had expected.

*3 months to go...hang in there...* his mind kept on chanting that sacred mantra.

'Hey Max, wanna go for a drink later? P'Gun is buying...' His supervisor Park said as he packing up his stuff to go home.

'I think I'll pass...thanks for the invite.' Max declined. He wasn't in the mood to get drunk even though it's the weekend.

*I miss Nat...* the image of his petite boyfriend came to his mind.

Half an hour later...

Max opened the apartment door and he was ready to wind down and rest. There's an extra pair of shoes near the cabinet and he instantly recognised it.

*Nat's here?*

He rushed to the bedroom and saw petite figure soundly asleep on the queen bed. Max went closer and smiled. Nat is here. He quickly went to the bathroom, had a quick shower to freshen up and when he got out, Nat was still asleep. The 2 hour trip from Bangkok must've been tiring for the younger one.

Max got on the bed next to Nat and can't help but smile as he watch Nat's sleeping face.

*I really have such a cute boyfriend...* he gushed.

Admiring Nat's flawless fair skin, Max never knew he'd be falling hard for someone the way he did with Nat. He's been in relationship before but Nat was different...there's obvious age gap between them but somehow it didn't bother him.

He remembered the first day he met Nat...the latter was a freshmen, joining the soccer club where he is the vice captain. They had a rough start thanks to his idea of bugging Nat for his attention that eventually backfire after a joke went too far. Cut story short, they started dating after Max found out that Nat actually liked him. After 2 years, he's pretty much in love and can't imagined a future without Nat in it.

Nat stirred in his sleep when he felt caresses on his cheek. Opening his sleepy eyes, Nat were greeted with Max's smiles.

'You're back?' Nat asked, looking at his watch, two hours passed since he arrived.

'You didn't tell me you're coming...' Max said.

'Um...surprise?' Nat grinned.

'How's the exam?' Max asked. Max knew Nat was in the middle of his exam week.

'Ok I guess...my last paper officially ended this afternoon so what a better way to spend my freedom other than being with you...' Nat pinched Max's cheek. 'I missed you...' Nat said opening his arm for a hug.

Max snuggled closer, burying his head on Nat's chest, inhaling the familiar citrus scent from Nat's perfume that he loves so much.

'I missed you too baby...' Max tightened his one arm around Nat's waist.

'How long are you staying?' Max asked.

'A week...then I have to head home for the rest of the semester break.' Nat runs his fingers through Max's thick black hair. 'Your hair is getting longer...'

'I'm planning to get it cut next week...'

'Don't...I like it this way...'

Max was glad that he declined the drink offer earlier...he rather spend his time with Nat over anything. Looks like this week gonna be the best week of his internship.

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