Drunk Confession #2

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'Are you sure you don't want to tag along? It's just me and the boys...' Max said as he was getting ready.

'Positive...I have two reports to do and Nunew gonna have my head if I don't finish my part by tomorrow...' Nat smiled.

'I already made dinner, just heat it up ok?'

'Okay...tell P'Mark happy birthday for me...'


'Got all of your things?'

'Yup...wallet, phone, Mark's gift...' Max leaned down. 'Where's my kiss?' He puffed up his left cheek.

A soft peck landed on Max's cheek and the older guy was grinning from ear to ear.

'I'll be back soon ok?'

'Have fun!'

1 am...

'It's done! Finally...' Nat got up from his seat and stretched his aching back. The report he was slaving over for the past 4 hours finally done and he was relieved.

He checked his phone and saw the last text from his boyfriend was two hours ago saying the group decided to go for a karaoke session.

Nat were having hot chocolate when a knock came to the door. He opened it and saw Max's friend Joss and Zee carrying obviously drunk Max.

'Let's go!' Max shrieked, startling Nat and his friends. 'Where are we man?'

'P!' Nat making way for the trio as they walked inside.

'He's wasted...along with the birthday boy...' Zee said.

The two older guy carried Max and laid him on the bed.

'Just how much did he drink?' Nat asked.

'We lost track...he and Mark were competing...' Joss said.

'I bet it's all the tension after completing the internship...' Nat shook his head watching Max rolling on the bed, slurring his words.

'Could be...'

'Thanks for bringing him home P...' Nat hugged Zee and Joss.

'No problem...take care now ok?' Zee ruffled Nat's hair.

After sending Zee and Joss to the door, Nat went back into the room and saw Max was sitting at the edge of the bed, about to take off his shirt.

'Let me help you...'

Nat were about to reach the hem of Max's shirt when the latter swatted Nat's hand.

'No! I can do it myself!' He said with half closed eyelids.

'P'Max...' Nat tried to help but Max pushed his hand again.

'No! Don't! I'm sure you're nice and stuff but I'm already taken...I have a boyfriend...he's so cute and I love him very much krab...' Max smiled.


'Know what...I'll just sleep somewhere else...and don't follow me! Hey Mark, I'm crashing on your couch!'

Max got up, he staggered to his feet, swaying a little, heading towards the living room.

Nat followed as Max stumbled on the huge sofa, making himself comfortable hugging the pillows.

'Nobody touch me...I'm a taken man...my boyfriend...Nat...love...'

Soon enough, soft snoring were heard. Nat just smiled witnessing his boyfriend drunken antics. Part of him were proud of how even in his drunken state Max is  still thinking of him.

Next morning...

'My head...' Max winced, opening his eyes, hands massaging the temples tryin' to ease the pain.

Max woke up with a headache, as he looked around he realised that he was in his own apartment. Last night event replayed in his mind...he remembered Joss and Zee took him somewhere after the karaoke and he was sure it was Mark's house.

'You're awake?'

Max looked over and saw Nat walking over with a glass of water. He sat up straight, leaning against the plush sofa.

'You need this for that headache...' Nat put the water and two pills on the coffee table. 'P'Zee said you're competing with P'Mark...' He sat next to Max.

'Ughhh...don't remind me...' Max groaned. He took the pills and swallowed it with the water. 'I didn't do anything stupid right?'


Max was surprised when Nat suddenly hugged him.

'I really love you P...' Nat said, burying his face against Max's chest.

A/n : sorry for not updating for so long😩😩😩I hope everyone is healthy and keep on loving MaxNat!!!

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