Hands Off!

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Max and Nat just started dating for couple of weeks and only the one close to them knew about their relationship.


'Should I pick you up afterwards?' Max asked as he stopped his car in front of Nat's faculty.

'It's ok P...I have group discussion afterwards...I'll just see you at the field later okay?' Nat smiled.

'Yes sir...'

Before Nat could get out of the car, Max grabbed him by his wrist.

'Hold on...aren't you forgetting something?' Max asked.

'What is it?' Nat look at the backseat of Max's car just in case he left anything there.

'Here...' Max puffed his cheek. 'You forgot this...'

Nat chuckled at Max's actions. The older guy can be playful and clingy when it's just the two of them together.

'I already gave you a kiss when you fetch me just now...' Nat said, staring at his boyfriend. It still felt surreal to him calling Max that.

'Please...I don't think I can function well if I don't have your kiss...' Max pouted.

'You're such a kid...c'mere...'

Nat was about to kiss Max's cheek when the older one suddenly turned his head making their lips collide instead.

'P'Max!' Nat blushed.

'I'll miss you...' Max winked, carressing Nat's chin.

'Text me when you get to class...'

'Yes sir!'

When Max arrived at his class, most of his friends are already there.

'You're late...' Zee stared at him.

'Gotta stop and buy lollipops for Nat...' Max took out his phone and happily texting Nat saying that he's in class, with a selfie as proof.

'Who would've thought the great Max Saran gonna be this whipped for his boy?' Zee chuckled.

'Coming from a guy who drop everything when he heard his own boyfriend asking for popcorn?' Max smirked.

'You better be good to my son Max...or I won't hesitate to kick your ass...' Zee warned him.

'Yes father-in-law...' Max bowed.


'It's too bad you turn down the nomination as the Moon for our faculty Nat...' Pear said as she, Nat and a few of his friends make their way to their next class.

'I'm not that good looking...Prem is more suitable...' Nat said with a smile. He's really not interested in the peagent style event.

'Are you kidding me Natasit? Baby face, nice fair smooth skin...you're cute as fuck!' Love pinched his cheek.

'I have to agree with Love on this man...' Fiat nodded. 'I'm sure you're gonna win the popularity vote from both boys and girls...'

'Maybe...but I'm just not interested...'

Nat was sitting at his desk waiting for the lecturer when someone sat in front of him.

'Hi...' It was Mook, the new program transferee.

'Hi...' Nat replied, as friendly as he could be.

'This is for you...' A single red rose.

'For me? Why?'

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