Our Short Moments Together

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Max woke up to an empty bed, his hands searching for the petite figure that slept with him the night before.

*Where did he go?* he got up and walk out. A smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

The sight of Nat in the kitchen cooking while donning his oversized hoodies is such a treat. Those slender bare legs...damn!

Nat yelped when he felt Max's arms wrapped around his waist.

'P'Max! You almost give me heart attack!' Nat said, smacking Max's hand.

'What are you doing up so early huh?' A kiss landed on Nat's cheek.

'I'm making you breakfast...is pancake ok?'

'You know I eat anything you make...I must say, you look great in my hoodies.' Max's hand travelled down, cupping Nat's perky butt.

'P'Max! I'm cooking here!' Nat said, but not minding Max's naughty hands.

'Who told you to look this good so early in the morning?'

'We did it 3 times last night and you're still unsatisfied? You almost broke my hips...'

'I'm always hungry for you...'

Max turned off the stove before spinning Nat around and lifting him up. Like a reflex Nat wrapped his legs around Max's hip.

'I've decided the breakfast can wait.'


Only Nat's giggles can be heard as Max carried him back to the bedroom.


A week flew by like in the blink of an eye and Max was dreading the time. Having Nat with him the whole week was such a blessing...they spend every waking time together and it was a bliss.

'Stop pouting...' Nat said with a smile, while folding his clothes.

'Will your parents kill me if I want you to stay here for another week?' Max looked at his boyfriend.

'Maybe not but my sisters would...' Nat laughed.

'I don't want you to go...' Max whined, rolling on the bed watching Nat packing up his luggage.

'Me too baby...but we know better...or maybe I could tell her that all flight tickets are fully booked until next week...'

'As if anyone gonna believe that...' Max sighed. 'Ughhhh...I don't want you to leave...'

Max got up and went to sit on the floor next to Nat. He reached for one of Nat's Tshirt from the suitcase.

'I'm keeping this...' he said, hugging the shirt. 'No questions asked.'

'Why are you so cute P'Max?' Nat pinched Max's cheek.

'Am I?'

'Yeah...my cutest boyfriend!' Nat planted a soft kiss on Max's lips.


A/n : short update...had this in my draft for a while so I decided to post it.😁😁

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