Our First Time

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'Are you nervous?' Max glanced at Nat who's sitting next to him.

'Of course I'm nervous...it's my first time...' Nat said. He felt his chest gonna burst any minute now.

'I promise, whatever happen after this I'll be right here with you...I'm not going anywhere...' Max held Nat's slightly shaking hands. Even in this situation, Nat still looked adorable in his eyes.

'Stop teasing me P...' Nat nudged Max's arm when he saw the older one smiling at him.

'I'm not...you just look cute...'


'So, are you ready?'

'Ready as I'll ever be...'

The two look at the gate of a modern two storey house in front of them. Nat took a few deep breath and exhaled.

'Ready?' Max asked, fixing the strand of Nat's hair.


They walked inside, holding hands.

'Mom...I'm home...' Max said as he opened the door.

An older lady in her 50's waddled towards them with a wide smile in her face.

'Maxie baby...you're home...' She hugged him. 'Honey, our son is here...' Her eyes went to Nat. 'Well...who do we have here?'

'Sawadee kap Mae...I'm Nat...'

'My boyfriend...' Max replied.

Nat could feel the intense atmosphere Max's family gave him as Max's 3 older brothers were at the dining table staring at him.

'P...stop staring at my boyfriend! You're scaring him...' Max said when he saw his brothers gaze on Nat.

'Seriously Max...did you kidnap him?' Tam, Max's oldest brother said frowning.

'Hey kid...if he threatened you in any form, blink twice if its a yes...' Jaa, the second brother's turn said.

'P!' Max scowled. 'P' Jun...' He looked at Jun next to Jaa.

'Sorry Max...I'm with them this time...Nat...are you seriously Max's boyfriend?' Jun asked.

'Yes...we've been together for quite some time now...' Nat answered. 'And no...P'Max didn't kidnap me or anything...'

'What did you see in him anyway? I'm sure there's other good looking guy in college other than him...' Jaa smiled.

'I like him...' Nat gushed, reaching for Max's hand.

'It's not too late to ditch this idiot and find someone else for you.' Tam said.

'It's okay, I like this one better..'

'Ok, ok...you three better stop teasing Max...I'm just happy that he finally found someone...' Max's father patted his shoulder.

'Thank you dad...'

'But in all honesty...he didn't kidnap you right?' He chuckled, looking at Nat fondly.


'Honey, stop teasing the kid...' Max's mom said, playfully hitting her husband on the arm. 'Let's eat before the food get cold...'

Later that day...in Max's bedroom...

'I like your family P...they're nice...' Nat said, laying down on the mattress, eyes looking at the football posters covered ceiling.

'And you're worried for nothing...' Max leaned over and kissed Nat's cheek.

With full stomach and content heart, Nat drifted off falling asleep as he was talking to Max.

Then suddenly the door fly open.

'Hey Max...' It was Jaa.

'Shhh!!! Nat is sleeping...' Max quickly got up and went to the door. 'What is it P?' Max glanced over his shoulder and luckily Nat was fast asleep.

'Mae asked if you're staying for dinner...' Jaa said peeking inside the room. 'Did you two...' He stared at Max wiggling his eyebrows with a cheeky grin on his face.

'No! He was tired I guess...he stressed out about meeting our family...he barely sleep these couple of days...' Max said. He slowly close the door behind him and walked downstairs.

'You never brought home anyone you've dated before...why is he the only exception?' Jaa asked.

'I think he's the one P...' Max smiled bashfully.


'Yeah...I've never felt like this for anyone before and I really think I've found my other half...'


Max was fidgeting behind the steering wheel. He parked his car outside of Nat's family home, waiting for the younger guy to be outside.

'Sawadeekap Mae, Phor...I'm Max Saran, Nat's boyfriend...' He kept chanting that line in his head.

*Please don't let me mess up...* he prayed.

A knock came on the window. It was Nat.

'You've made it...' Nat smiled as he opened the door. 'Is it hard finding the house?'

'Not really...do I look okay? I look decent right? Maybe I should've listened to Zee and wear a suit instead...'

'P...' Nat held Max's slightly shaking hand. 'You look fine...dashing as usual...'

'I just want your parents to have good first impression of me...I'm dating their only son...' Max said looking at Nat.

'You're doing fine...I know my parents gonna love you...c'mon...let's go...they're waiting.'

'Hold on...' Max open the backseat door and take out a fruit basket. 'I hope they like this...'

'They will...'

It turned out Nat's parents love Max. His father was an alumi of Max's faculty and they bonded instantly. It was Nat's two older sisters and his younger sister giving him a hard time.

'So, you're the one that made my baby cry huh?' Fai said, glaring at Max.

They dragged both Max and Nat to the backyard so they could have a little get-to-know-each-other session together.

'It's ancient story P'Fai...' Nat said tugging his sister's sleeve.

'I'm sorry about that...I was stupid that time...' Max apologised.

'And how can we be sure that you won't make him cry again?' Yihwa's turn questioning him.

'Well, he did made me cry...last night...but in a great kinda way...' Nat blushed. His eyes met Max's and the older tried hard not to smile.

Fai quickly covered their youngest sister's ears.

'Natasit!!! There's a minor here!' Fai growled at him.

'P...please...I'm not a kid anymore...' Nia wiggled away from her sister. 'I know about all those stuff...'

Their mother came.

'You girls better stop giving Max hard time...I know a good man when I see one...Max, you have my blessings and Dad's too...take care of this boy ok?' She said with a big smile.

'Yes Mae...I won't let you down...' Max bowed and Nat hugged him.

'See, I told you my parents gonna like you...' Nat said.

'Come inside...I've got some desserts for us...'

As they were walking back into the house, both Fai and Yihwa grabbed Max by the arms on each side.

'Make our baby boy cry, we'll cut off your balls and feed it to the stray dogs...' Yihwa whispered.

'And throw the rest of your body off the bridge into the river...' Fai said while grinning.

'Trust me P'Max, they would do it...' Nia chuckled.

'Stop it the three of you...' Nat pushed his sisters away from Max. 'Don't worry baby, I can protect you from these savage women...' Nat said, hugging Max's side.

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