My One And Only

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'Hey ok?' Nunew asked as he sat next to him inside the lecture hall.

'Huh? What?' Nat was startled to see Nunew appeared out of nowhere. He was lost in his thought until he didn't realised his friend were there.

'Are you ok man? What occupied your mind?' Nunew frowned. He rarely see Nat like that.

'Am I that easy to read?'

'Pretty, you want to tell me what's been bothering you?'

'It's P'Max...'

'What about him?'

'I think he got someone else...' Nat said in low voice.

Nunew's eyes went wide.

'What? Are you sure?'

'He's been super suspicious lately...'

Nat sighed as he unfold what happened to Nunew. The way Max would come home late, always on his phone smiling, answering calls away from him...they barely had time together these days.

'Maybe he was just busy with his final project...' Nunew said to ease Nat's worries. 'You know how those engineering seniors are when finals around the corner...' He patted Nat's shoulder.

'I'm just being paranoid aren't I?' Nat looked at Nunew...obviously in distraught.

'I know he wouldn't do that to you...' Nunew hugged Nat. 'I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding...'

After class Nat decided to go to Max's faculty since he didn't want to wait for Max to pick him up. He took out his phone and dialed Max's number as he was about to arrive.

'Hello P'Max...'

'Hey baby...'


Nat saw Max walking from the foyer with a girl next to him, heading towards the parking lot.

'Babe, I got emergency meeting with Zee right now so I can't pick you up...I'll asked Joss to send you home ok?'

Nat's eyes followed Max's figure as his boyfriend opened the door for the girl as she enter his car.

'Nat? Baby?'

'Yea...ok...of course...' Nat felt like someone just kicked him in the gut.

*He's lying to me now?*

That night...

Nat looked at the wall clock and it's almost midnight when Max finally home.

'Hey...what are you doing still up at this hour?' Max said as he saw Nat sitting alone in the living room. He walked over to Nat and kissed the top of his head.

'Where have you been?' Nat asked calmly. He could smell women's perfume coming from Max when the older one sat next to him.

'Um...meeting with know, for our final project...I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I'm gonna be late...'

'Have you eaten yet?'

'Yeah...Zee brought us dinner...I'm gonna go for shower...' Max kissed Nat's cheek before getting up and went to the bathroom.

Max's phone beeped, LINE notification. Nat picked it up and saw the message on the screen.

*Thank you for tonight...see you on Friday.* the profile picture is clearly a woman.

Nat dreaded when Friday came around. He could barely concentrate in class, his mind can't stop thinking about Max and that other woman.

Max looked normal when he dropped off Nat at his faculty this afternoon...nothing out of the ordinary, although he noticed that Max got overly attached to his phone.

'Still thinking about P'Max?' Nunew asked.

'That's all been crossing my mind...'

'What's your plan now?'

'Confront him...and find out everything...although I'm scared...'

A text came to his phone.

From : My P'Max😍
I can't pick you up today...I have a group meeting until 8...I'll call you again later ok? Love you😘

Later that evening...

Nat walked slowly towards his and Max shared apartment. Honestly, all he wanted to do is to confront Max and find out if he really cheated on him.


Nat were frozen when he stepped into the apartment. The place were beautifully decorated with balloons and flower petals scattered on the floor.

'Happy anniversary baby...'

Max was startled when Nat suddenly burst into tears, hunching down.

'Baby...what's wrong? Is everything ok? Are you hurt?' Max hugged Nat's small frame.

'' Nat said between sobs.


Max picked up Nat and they sat down on the couch with Nat on his lap.

'Why are you crying? Tell me what's wrong.' Max said softly, rubbing Nat's back to soothe him.

'I thought you don't love me anymore...' Nat said, stifling his tears.

'What? Who gave you that idea?' Max frowned.

'You did!'

'I did?'

'Yeah...the late nights, secretive phone calls...and I saw you with a woman few days even open your car door for her...'


'And that LINE message *Thank you for tonight, I'll see you on Friday.* Don't think I didn't saw that!'

'Oh baby...' Max hugged Nat. 'That's P'Ging, the event planner I hire for you think I could pull this off on my own?'

Nat continued crying his eyes out while Max trying to soothe him.

'Don't laugh at me...' Nat scowled when he saw Max smiling.

'I'm not...okay...maybe a little.'

Nat smacked Max's chest.

'Aww...what was that for?' Max said, chuckling.

'For making me you know how miserable I was thinking that you love someone else beside me?' Another smack.

'I'm sorry know I wouldn't do that to're the only one for me...' Max kissed Nat's lips and wiped his tears away.

'Keep it that way!' Nat looked around and smiled at the decoration. It's romantic. 'This is beautiful...'

'You like it?'

'I love it...'

'Happy anniversary baby...'

'I totally forgotten about it...sorry...'

'It's least I get to surprise you this time...'


Sorry for the late update for anyone that waiting for MaxNat...I hope this chapter would make up for it...don't forget to leave a y'all so much!!!😘😘😘😘

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