He's Mine

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'Hey Max, are you going to Zee's party this weekend?' Park asked as the two of them leaving the workshop together.

'I had to...otherwise Zee gonna whoop my ass if I missed it...' Max replied, imagining Zee's mad face in his head. 'Are you going?'

'Yea...are you gonna bring Nat along?'

'Maybe...if he want to...he have a quiz that day and next week so I don't want to interrupt his study session.'

'But it's his dad's birthday...I mean...Zee probably want him to be there.'

'I'll have to ask him later then...'

Nat got back to his dorm and found Max on his bed, soundly asleep. He must've just arrived since the older guy still wearing his engineering jacket.

'P' Max...' Nat leaned and kissed Max's cheek. He stirred and slowly opening his eyes. 'Did you wait long for me?' Nat kissed him again.

'No...I just got here...I didn't even realised I've fallen asleep...'

Max streched his tired limbs before sitting upright, pulling Nat into his embrace.

'I'm missed you...' He said, smelling Nat sweet cologne.

'Should we order in?'

'I was thinking if you wanted to eat out tonight...it's been a while since we go out for dinner...'

'Sounds good...let's shower and then we head out...'

'Shower together?' Max raised his eyebrows.

'As if you gonna let me shower alone...'

While having dinner...

'P...about P' Zee's party this Saturday...' Nat said.

'It's ok if you don't go...I'm sure Zee would understand...don't worry about it...' Max said assuringly.

'I can go but I might arrive a little late since my test got delayed that day...'

'Is that mean you're going to the party?'

'Yeah...why? You don't want me to be there?'

'Of course not...the party gonna be a lot more fun if I have my boyfriend with me...' Max reached for Nat's hand.

'You and your sweet talks...'

'You like it...' Max winked, and Nat blushed.

'I hate to admit it but...yeah...'

Few days later...at Zee's party...

'Happy birthday dude...' Max said and hugged Zee. 'Nat's gonna be late but he'll be here...'

'He told me about it yesterday...let's have a drink...'

The party was on full swing as more people arrived at Zee's apartment.

'Hey Max, heads up...' Tommy nudged his arm.

'Is Nat here?' Max looked around searching for his boyfriend.

'No...but Toy is...'

Their eyes darted towards a figure a few feet away from them.

'What the hell is he doing here?' Max frowned. He knew Zee wouldn't invite him over when he knew their history.

'Maybe he's with a friend...let's just ignore him, ok?' Tommy said, patting Max's thigh.

Nat arrived at the party and immediately spotted by Zee.

'My son...you've made it...' Zee said, hugging the younger one.

'Happy birthday dad...did P'Max gave you the gift yet?' Nat smiled and then hugged Saint, Zee's boyfriend. 'Hi P'Saint...'

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