Fight For Love

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Nat quickened his pace as he heading toward the music faculty while cursing in silence since the building situated at the other side of the campus. He need to get there fast and his tiny legs are not helping.

'Slow down Nat! I'm almost out of breath!' His friend Nunew calling from behind.

'I can't! Only god's know what happened there right now!' Nat wished he drive to class today if he knew this would happen.

When he got a call from a friend who's studying at the music faculty saying that his boyfriend Max and few of his engineering friends barging the faculty's foyer looking for P'Jeff, he knew that it's gonna be a disaster.

P'Jeff is a 5th year music student that Nat met during his basketball match a few weeks ago. Their faculty had a friendly match and the older guy took a liking towards him. Max is of course not happy with it but Nat made it clear to his boyfriend that Jeff is nothing...until the gifts he sent him and random love shout out on the latter's IG story.

'Nat! Over here!' Code waved and Nat ran towards the guy.

'Where are they?' Nat asked.

'I think they're near the field...let's go!'

As they getting near, Nat could hear grunting and shouting...his boyfriend's voice were loud and clear.

*'Stay away from my boyfriend!'*

*'Why should I? He's just a boyfriend, not your husband!'*

*'You really have a death wish huh?'*

*'You punch like a girl!'*

Nat arrived and saw Max and Jeff on the ground throwing punches, kicking at each other, screaming curses as they did.

'Stop it! The both of you!'

Both guys stopped their track looking at Nat.


'Nong Nat...'

Nat marched towards them.

'Why didn't you stop them P?' Nat scowled at Max's friends. 'Geez!!!'

'Nong Nat...' Jeff said, standing up, pushing Max away from him. 'He came and attack me first...are you sure you want to be with this violent jerk?'

'Baby...' Max tried to hold Nat's arm but the younger one glared at him.

'Shut up!'

Nat stood in front of Jeff.

'Look P'Jeff, I'm gonna say this once...I DON'T LIKE YOU!!! AT ALL! Stop sending me gifts and know that I'm a taken man and that's...' He pointed at Max. 'My boyfriend!'

'You don't mean that Nong Nat...' Jeff pleads.

'No, I mean that! Every single word! So I hope you respect my decision.'

Nat went towards Max and pulled him by his jacket.

'Let's go!'

Max smirked looking at Jeff.

'Stay away from my boyfriend!' Max said flicking his middle finger.

Max couldn't do anything as Nat dragged him towards the parking lot.

'Where's your car?' Nat asked.

'Over there...'

Inside the car...

'Baby look...' Max didn't get to finish his words when Nat cut him mid sentence.

'Why did you have to go there and make a scene with that guy? Do you know what could've happened if the authority got involved in this? You're a 5th year student that's about to graduate in a few months...this could affect your record!' Nat's hand gripped the steering wheel tightly.


'And the fact that your friends didn't even try to stop you...urghhh! What if I didn't get there sooner? You probably end up with bloody nose or a broken bone!'

'That's unlikely to happen since I'm a great fighter.' Max said smugly.

'Is that something to be proud of now? Seriously?' Nat throwing dagger like stares to Max.

'Baby...I had to do it! He's crossing the line! Everyone know that you're mine and he still trying to snatch you away!'

'Did he succeed? No! You've gotta keep your rage under control...I don't want anything bad happen to you when you're this close on graduating!'

'I'm sorry...but I couldn't help it! I need to give him a piece of my mind...'

'And fist apparently...' Nat rolled his eyes. 'Look here...' He tilted Max face towards him. 'Thank God nothing too serious...'

'Like I said, I'm a great fighter.'

'Max Kornthas Rujeerattanavorapan!'

Max pulled Nat into his embrace. Nat's anger gradually subdued and soon wrapping his arms around Max's bigger build.

'Look, I'm sorry ok? But I won't apologise for kicking that bastard's ass. He messed with what's mine and I don't like that...but I promise this won't happen again...' Max buried his face at the crook of Nat's neck.

'I'll block him social media, my Line, everything if that would your mind at ease...'

'That's the best way.'

'And I'll just donate what he gave me...'

'Even better...'

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