Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - The Girl

1:25 a.m.

Aang approached the door, just like he did weeks ago. In the same exact fashion, he peered his head over the window. It was dark, but there was a dim light, lighting up the room ever so slightly, and it wasn't green this time, it was blue.

"Hmm" He thought to himself. "No guys in hazmat suits, seems a little quiet..." Aang scanned the room, his eyes making his way towards the tanks. One was now empty, but the girl was still floating in the other.

"The blue light...Is she...glowing?" Aang thought to himself confused. Aang looked down the hall and scanned the room one more time.

"Here we go..."

He slowly reached for the door knob. He turned it and to his surprise, it was unlocked. He cautiously opened the door, fearing someone could be in here that was not visible from outside the door.

He closed the door, crept in a few feet and looked around. He could now see the full scale of the lab. It wasn't enormous, but rather tight. Machines were running, wires scattered across the floor, papers pinned to the wall. The room looked old.

Aang looked to his right. There was a door that was out of sight from outside the lab.

"Hmm...wonder where that leads too..." He thought.

Aang thought about searching the room, but his attention turned to the tank.

"It is the girl...she is glowing! It's like an outline of her body is wrapped around her, giving off a blue aura." Aang was rather amazed at what he was looking at.

He slowly walked towards the tank.

"She's...she's...beautiful, like an angel." Aang thought to himself.

Aang was standing right in front of the tank now, lit up ever so slightly from the blue light the girl was giving off.

"Her hair is so white..." Aang slowly reached his hand up to touch the glass. His hand was an inch away. Right before he pressed against it, the girl opened her eyes.

"Ah!" Aang startled, taking a step back.

He gathered himself quickly and looked at the girl, right in the eyes. They were a beautiful shade of blue. She looked back at him. She looked sad and didn't move.

Aang approached her, still making eye contact.

1:33 a.m.

Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee made there way to the bottom of the stairs. If they had gotten down there only a few minutes ago, they would have seen Aang. None of the three were down here the day Aang found the lab, so they didn't know if they should go left, or right.

"Well...which way?" Mai asked plainly.

They looked left, they looked right. If the lights were on, they would have noticed to the left that there were no classrooms, but they couldn't see that far down the hall.

"Let's try..." Zuko thought for a second. "Right."

"Ok!" Ty Lee replied.

The three headed down the hall, away from Aang...

"Krrsh...Ok, I'm parked next to Zuko's car." Came Suki's voice over the radio.

"Krrsh..glad to hear that." Came Sokka's voice sounding relieved. "Katara and I switched hiding spots, but everything's quiet over here."

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