He killed her

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Cassie, like most of the students opted for going back home, a few decided to talk to the school counsellor; she had a long line outside her office. Cassie used not having to stay in school as an opportunity to visit Caleb at the station, her parents were contacted about the situation but she lied to them that she would be studying in the library. 

She knew Caleb most likely was not ready to see her, but her guilt pulled her to the station to try and make things right. She parked her mustang in front of the station and fear immediately filled her insides. Her palms were sweaty, extremely sweaty and her heart was racing. Caleb could be very scary and intimidating when he wanted to be, she remembered how furious he was when he discovered that she had taken the shirt, she remembered how he grabbed her arms, how he inflicted pain on her, she remembered the fire burning in his eyes, the way he breathed heavily and uncontrollably, he looked like his soul had been claimed by a demon. He looked like a killer. she shook the thought away and took in a deep breath.

She dried her sweaty palms on her jeans as she stepped out of her car, she didn't know what she was going to say to him. She was still a bit frightened of him she still didn't know if he was the killer or not she felt like she didn't even know him at all. Even if he wasn't the killer she knew that he had something to hide. An innocent person won't be as belligerent as he was that night.

As soon as she stepped out she felt chills go up her neck, she felt as if she was being watched. She scanned the parking lot of station carefully but there was no one suspicious-looking in sight, she had increasingly become paranoid and she did not like it one bit. 

She walked up the very familiar steps that led to the building, everything looked the same but felt so different, usually she'd be here to help Brady with the case, skipping eagerly up the stairs with no hesitation whatsoever. This time, she was at the station to see her brother who was the prime suspect in the very murder case she was working on.

"Hello, I'm here to see Caleb Meyer, he's my brother," Cassie said to the officer at the front desk. 

"The murderer boy," the officer who Cassie had not met before spat out. She hated the man sitting behind the desk because he had just judged Caleb even though it had not yet been truly confirmed that he was the murderer. She opened her mouth to defend him but she felt she did not have the right to, so she stayed quiet.

Once her identity had been checked , the officer had led Cassie into a small room that had walls that were once white, there were two chairs on the shorter ends of a rectangular table, Cassie sat facing the door. A few moments later Caleb walked in wearing a beige shirt and pants. His hair was tousled in every direction possible, and he had a bit of stubble forming on his chin and upper lip. Caleb was someone that took pride in his appearance, but because of Cassie he was morphing into someone she did not recognize. 

Caleb looked up at Cassie with his eyes burning with rage. "I don't want to see her," he spat out venomously to the officer that brought him in.

"Caleb please," Cassie pleaded in a shaky tone.

He looked hesitant for a while before answering "Five minutes and I'm gone," he said while aggressively taking a seat in front of her.

There was awkward silence between them, he bored his eyes into hers angrily in a way that gave her chills.

"Thank you," she said softly as she rested her gaze on the rickety table in front of her.

"Four minutes fifty seconds, talk," he said flatly.

Cold sweat trickled down her face and her heart was racing. "I'm so sorry Caleb, I didn't mean for things to get this far. When I saw the rose in your bag that day I got so confused and  I was scared, and then I talked to Brady. I made him promise not to tell anyone, he kept his promise but unfortunately another officer found out  and that's why you're here" she explained.

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