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Terribly sorry for the delay.


She left her mouth agape for the longest while, she honestly did not see that confession coming. She had been with Tyler for about three years and she thought he only had a sibling, his sister, but to find out that he had two and one of them just happened to be Peter of all people.

"I think I saw a fly pass" he tried to joke as he gently placed his hand under her jaw and led her to close her mouth.

"How the freaking hell is that douche bag your brother ?" She said not even regretting the fact that she had just insulted his sibling.

"The exact same way Caleb is your brother" he said casually, as if it was a good enough explanation.

"You don't even have the same last name"

He snickered before saying "we kinda do" he started "mine is Bridgewood as you already know and he's is Wood." He explained" it was Bridgewood but he changed it when he was eighteen, he always thought Bridgewood was a stupid last name and so he just shortened it to Wood"

"I did not see this coming" she said "was he the one hitting you?" She asked worriedly

He sighed a heavy sigh "that was all Brady, Cassie that man is a psycho he needs help. Sometimes he'll act normal and then this beast will just drive out and he'll go crazy"

"Yeah, I noticed today that he's not well, I'm guessing he has been through a lot in his life. I know he deceived me but it can't all be deceit he's made of I don't think he's a terrible person even after everything he did."

"Yeah" he said softly "it's sad that it was my own father that drove him to kill Rose, she was like a big sister to me"

"Wait you knew Rose? "She asked incredulously as she rose up her eyebrow at him.

"Of course"he smiled "Peter brought her over to the house a lot of times and she would always play with me. She babysat me a few times and she would always get me toys and sweets. She was amazing" he sighed "I even had a crush on her" he chuckled.

"you're really good at keeping secrets I'm nonplussed by everything you've just told me" she said blinking her eyes profusely and shaking her head in astonishment.

"I'm sorry but it was hard for me to talk about it, I didn't feel right talking about anything or anyone that connected me to Peter. My father disowned Peter ten years ago when I was just eight and I never saw him again"

"When did you reunite with him?"

"It was the night of Caleb's party that I saw him for the first time, I remember seeing him interrogate you and I thought I was going crazy, he looked so different but at the same time he looked so much like my brother" he explained "when he was done talking to you he walked past me he didn't act like he knew me so I just came to the conclusion that I was crazy"

"When did he finally reach out to you?"

"About two weeks later I received a call and he asked me to meet him, at first I was reluctant I assumed it was one of Brady's traps but I still went out of burning curiosity he asked me to meet him at the exact same spot you saw us arguing we've been meeting there from time to time."

"What were you guys arguing about at night?" She asked inquisitively.

"He knew I was doing something shady and he was worried, he didn't know what exactly but he noticed my bruises and how off I'd been acting, we later got into an argument about our father" he explained "he said I was being careless and that he didn't want our father to know that he was in town"

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now