Hurtful words

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Cassie woke up in the morning to the nettlesome noise coming from her alarm clock, she slapped her hands on the head of the clock until the disturbance coming from it was gone. She groaned into her pillow and sighed lightly before slowly rolling her body to the edge of the bed. One by one, she placed her feet on the rug and then used her hands to push her body off the bed. She charged her phone cause the battery was completely drained and proceeded to perform her usual morning routine.

Once she got out of the shower she rummaged through her plethora of clothes, and even with the amount of clothes she had suffocated in her wardrobe, she still at that moment, felt like she had absolutely nothing to wear. After about ten minutes of searching, and the realization that she was getting close to running late for school,  she settled for a pink and white sleeveless tank top that exposed her midriff and paired it with some white shorts. She curled her long brown mane and then combed it out so that it could be wavy. She sat in front of her mirror and put on some light makeup.  On her left wrist, she put on a bracelet and then she finished off her look with strappy sandals. 

The first thing that welcomed Cassie was the enticing aroma that she traced to the kitchen. She ran down the stairs and into the source of the tempting aroma. She met her mother alone sitting by the Island, placed infront of her was a bowl of fruits, and in her hands was a magazine. She took the free seat beside her mum and pick up a pineapple from her plate, before she shoved it into her mouth.

"Morning mum," she greeted with a full mouth.

"Morning," she replied with a look of concern on her face. "Are you alright Cassie?" She placed the magazine down.

"Yeah. . ." Cassie said slowly, she had her eyebrows scrunched and tilted her head to the right "Why wouldn't I be?" She asked and took another piece of fruit, this time a grape.

" When I got home at eight yesterday I found you in your room sleeping," she said. 

"And what's your point? Don't I have the right to sleep in my own room?" This time, she stole a gulp of her mums orange juice.

"It's just that you've been talking about Tyler's game since last week and you didn't go, I was worried that you were sick or that you and Tyler got into a fight." She explained. On hearing that, Cassie spat out the juice that had been In her mouth on the table.

"Crap, crap, crap,crap, shit, holy crappy shit," Cassie blurted out and pushed herself back on the seat.

"Cassidy Annie Meyer mind your bloody language," her mother scolded and got up from her seat. "and clean up that mess" she ordered pointing at the mess Cassie had made on the table by spitting out the Orange juice from her mouth.

"I'm sorry," she grabbed a paper towel and wiped off the mess she made. " I promised Danny I'll be at the game and I totally forgot," she tossed the paper towel in the trash can.

"That's unlike you," her mum said, she had her hands placed on her hips.

"Uhh I had a ton of homework to do, and I took a nap in between and somehow I forgot about the game," Cassie lied effortlessly. As she spoke of homework, she realized that she had actual homework which she hadn't made any attempt to begin. She was so caught up in the events of the day before, that she had completely forgotten to write her English essay or to be present and Tyler's important game. To her misfortune, she had English first period and she knew that she did not have enough time to write a thousand-word essay, therefore she would have to come up with some reasonable excuse for her Mrs. Williams. 

"Gotta go mum, love you." she kissed her mother on her cheeks, grabbed her bags and ran to her car. She threw her bag on the passengers side 

She kissed her mum goodbye and then grabbed her bag. She opened up the door and walked outside to her car, she unlocked her car and got in. She placed her bag on the passenger side and pulle dput her phone from it. She had switched it off the previous night in order to avoid distractions, and she was so sure that she had a lot of messages to reply.

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