Dangerously close to the truth

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This chapter is dedicated to hannievee for her unending support and beautiful comments :)


Cassie threw her alarm clock across the room as it rang non-stop, she had suffered a sleepless night; the killer's boldness in climbing up her balcony shook her. It was impossible not to consider the fact that in the past the only person that ever came in through there was Tyler, he did that so he could sneak into her room without her parents finding out.

She took slow, hesitant steps to her balcony door and wiped off Danny's name with a wet cloth before going to check up on him. When she got there she found him sleeping, he looked peaceful despite the chaos they were in.

"Wake up sleepy," she yelled in his ears as she jumped on the bed causing him to roll over and land on the carpeted floor. He mustered a few profanities at her as he groggily got up and crawled back into the bed.

"I hate you," he said, as he scratched his eyes. He tucked himself into Caleb's blanket, Cassie did the same.

"Yeah I'm sure you do" she said, rolling her eyes playfully. "Get up, we have school today," she said in a commanding tone.

"Give me five more minutes," he rubbed his palms together and pouted.

"Cassie why are you in your brothers room and who are you talking to?" Came her mother's voice as she barged into Caleb's room,  her eyes widened in shock when she saw Cassie and Danny underneath the covers. "Goodness gracious Cassie!" She exclaimed. "Didn't I raise you better than this? I can't believe you're cheating on Tyler," she said pointing her hands at Danny.

"OMG , stop being extra, Danny spent the night here because he was robbed last night and his parents are away," she said. She couldn't tell her mother the truth because it would lead to the revelation of the fact that she was still somehow on the case. "And Tyler isn't my boyfriend anymore," she said sadly, which left her mother dazed.

"Good morning Mrs. Meyer," Danny greeted with an awkward wave as he sat up in the bed, pulling the blanked further over his chest until it reached his neck.

"You poor thing, I hope you didn't get hurt," she asked in a concerned tone.

"No I didn't, they just took a few things but I left for fear that they'll be back," he nodded.

"You're welcome to stay for as long as you need," she said sweetly.

"Thank you, I'll go take a shower in your bathroom Cassie," he announced before leaving them alone.

"Why didn't you tell me about your breakup?" she asked sadly as she took a seat beside Cassie on Caleb's bed.

"It's because we never talk, you're always at work, always busy with your models, I didn't want to bore you with my petty problems."

Her mother heaved out a loud sigh. "I know you think I only care about my modelling, but that's because modelling literally saved my life."

"What do you mean?" Cassie furrowed her eyebrows and got cozy in Caleb's bed.

"Growing up I didn't have anything, my dad was a farmer and my mum a teacher, what they were making was hardly enough to feed us."

"I never knew this," Cassie said softly.

"I never liked talking about my past, I didn't want to recall all the bad memories," she said "Anyways, one day I was taking a stroll and then I saw a poster, it advertised a modelling agency that needed more models. I knew nothing about modelling but I decided to give it a try," she explained "at first, they didn't want me, they sent me back home, I was devastated."

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