It's happened again

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There were a lot of cars carelessly parked outside Caleb's house and loud music was pounding violently through the building. Cassie and Phoebe stepped out of  the car and walked into the house which was full of  people rhythmically bumping their bodies against strangers, lovers and friends. The ambiance in his house was very lively and it passed its energy to everyone that stepped in. Both girls danced their way through the crowd in search of any of their friends.

Cassie scanned the room and she smiled once her eyes landed on Tyler. He was wearing a button-up checkered shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair was a bit disheveled, giving him an edgy look. Her eyes widened in glee and he smirked at her as soon as he took notice of her presence. Cassie tapped Phoebe on her shoulder and motioned her to where Tyler and the rest of the guys were sat. They were sitting on a black L-shaped sectional sofa which was big enough to fit the group of six. Bottles of alcohol and the snacks which Cassie and Phoebe bought earlier in the day were scattered at their feet. 

The guys acknowledged their presence and quickly returned to their previous conversations. Cassie walked straight to Tyler and sat comfortably on his laps placing her legs in between his. "Hey babe," he said breathlessly as he admired every inch of her body. "You look so sexy in that dress," he whispered in her ears seductively.

"And you don't look bad yourself," she said. She leaned in to kiss him and nibbled playfully on his bottom lip. She looked up to notice Phoebe and Tucker in a similar position only that they were much too aggressive and passionate in the way they made out. It was quite an uncomfortable sight to behold, so she looked away. 

Tyler picked up a bottle of vodka and poured a little amount in a cup for Cassie. She took it happily and quickly downed all of it. She looked around to see Jesse and Matt hitting on a set of blonde and beautiful twins that she didn't recognize. Danny was with a girl he liked from their school called; Allie, and Caleb was walking alongside a beautiful leggy blonde, they were headed for the backyard.

"Wanna dance, babe?" Tyler asked and motioned his head to the kitchen where most people were dancing. She nodded and got off his lap. Phoebe and Tucker stood up too and followed them. A very upbeat song came up and everyone on the dancefloor instantly went crazy. Cassie kicked off her heels and danced like she was in a competition. People had cups in their hands and were shaking their bodies vigorously and unskilfully to the music. Cassie laughed at how funny some of the drunk people looked while they were dancing, most of them were embarrassingly offbeat and uncoordinated in their movement. They were bound to have throbbing heads when they woke up the next day. Another upbeat song came on and the craziness continued.

 Some girls were swaying their hips seductively to the music in snake-like movements, others like Phoebe and Cassie were jumping up and down. It was evident that everyone was having the time of their lives. Caleb had once again thrown a great party, thus, retaining his position as one of the best party throwers at their school. 

Cassie soon got tired of dancing and left the rest of her friends on the dance floor, she went back to the couch and found Danny alone with a can of beer in his hand. 

"Hey Dan," she punched his bicep.

"Hey Cass baby," he greeted back and then he took a swig of his beer and twirled the can around. 

"So I saw you over there with Allie earlier," she said pointing to where she saw him standing.

"Yeah," he sighed. He had been trying to get her to go out with him for months but he had been unsuccessful. 

Cassie pouted. "She's crazy for not realizing how amazing you are," she said and ruffled his hair playfully "I hear she has terrible taste in guys, you should be flattered that she's not interested in you." she chuckled.

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now