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This chapter is dedicated to Aadya0126 thank you for the sweet comments you've left and for your support on this story.


It was morning and Cassie woke up to the loud chatter coming from downstairs, out of curiously she grudgingly walked down the stairs to see what all the noise was about. She had been avoiding her family ever since the night Brady was caught, she didn't know how to face them after all the havoc she had caused. She sent her brother to jail she was the person who brought Brady and all his torment into their lives and she still had a hard time forgiving herself for it. No matter how much she got told it wasn't her fault it never sunk in. She knew people were just trying to make her feel better but it just didn't work, because of her her brother almost died, Danny almost died and Matt was killed.

She stood by the staircase trying her best to be unnoticed as she sadly watched them laugh away at something on the tv. She noticed her parents hadn't been fighting anymore and although they were seated in different seats she could see that the tension had reduced a bit. She slowly turned around to tiptoe back up the steps before she heard someone call her name.

"Cassie" she heard Caleb say and then she slowly turned around and was now faced with everyone looking at her as if she had gone crazy. They had tried to get her attention for a while but she always shut them out she realized there was no point doing that anymore. Knowing her family they'll probably take her to therapy if she kept up with her distance and so she slowly walked down the stairs and took a seat on an empty couch. She knew she was being absolutely ridiculous but she just couldn't get past that feeling of guilt.

"Hey little sis" Caleb said as he jumped on the space beside her on her couch.

"Why aren't you guys mad at me?" She asked quietly "I mean if someone did all the things I did I'll probably hate that person but you're all acting like everything is okay?" She asked incredulously.

They all looked at her In awe for a moment "why on earth would we be mad at you Cassie?" Her mum asked softly "we're family"

"And I'm here now aren't I?" Caleb asked as he placed a hand over her "I'm alive, things could have been worse so instead of moping we should be celebrating"

"I never knew your brother could muster such wise words" he father teased which made them all laugh "but he's right"

"But it's basically my fault that you and mum are getting a divorce" she said looking down ashamedly. "And Caleb get your hands off me, you stink" she said shimming away from under his arms.

"You're ugly" he retorted playfully "And What divorce?" He asked filled with shock.

"First of all Cassie it's not your fault, your dad and I have had our issues for a while and we've decided to go for counselling " her mum said.

"It saved our marriage once hopefully it'll save it again" her dad said "we can't let over twenty years of marriage be flushed down the drain"

"That's great" Cassie said gleefully "so there's a chance that everything will go back to normal?" She asked hopefully.

Her partners looked at each other and smiled "there's a great chance of that happening her mum said.

"I still feel like I should still say I'm sorry so I'm sorry for going behind your back to work on a case, I'm sorry for all the lies I told" she said to her parents and I'm sorry for putting you in jail Caleb" she said looking at Caleb.

"Well we all forgive you so stop acting like you're the murderer and stop hiding" her mum warned playfully.

"I'll stop hiding" she smiled "so since everything is going back to normal is this the right time to ask for a new car?" She asked hopefully.

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now