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Oh my, it's the chapter you've all been waiting for ahhhh! Enjoy :)

This chapter is dedicated to my amazing friend LouStilinski who also has an amazing story, love ya!! Thanks for supporting my story and for being amazing :)


"Who's the bastard killer?" Caleb asked angrily.

"Yeah you guys seem so shocked" Cassie said confused "is it someone we know"

"I'm sorry," Jesse apologized as he shook his head "we're still so shocked, it's almost unbelievable we had to ask Tucker if he was sure about a thousand times before we ran over here" He explained.

"Okay?" Cassie asked a bit miffed that they were taking so much time to say a name "enough with telling me how shocked you are and tell me who the killer is already"

"It's the cop Cassie" Danny said with the most shocked expression in his face. "Of all people I would have never thought an officer, someone who is supposed to be upright and do the right thing, someone who is supposed to follow the law and make sure everyone else abides by it"

"Oh my gosh yes Peter, I can't exactly remember him from before I lost my memory but he came to see me a few times in the hospital and he creeped me out" Cassie said as she ran her hands up and down her arms trying to keep herself warm.

"No Cassie, not Peter" Phoebe said "detective Brady Bauer, the one you worked with the one who gave you a chance to work on the case, he's the devil here she said still filled with shock"

"Holy crap!" Caleb exclaimed "that bastardized pretended to care about me he promised to get me out of prison, little did I know that he was the one pushing me in" he said adamantly.

The shock hit Cassie so hard, as soon as Phoebe said Brady's name a lot of memories came crashing in her mind. The blurry images she had in her head of the killer had finally cleared up and she could see the face clearly. She could finally fit in the right face, Brady... She remembered the day at the warehouse the shock that hit her when she saw who it was, the person she had worked with for over three months Brady Bauer: the person she trusted.

She remembered the way he looked at her with murderous eyes, the dangerous steps he took towards her, the anger, the sinister look on his face, his menacing stare and his clenched fist. The way he chased her in his car and the way she ran for dear life and then...the crash. She also remembered who led her to the warehouse, Tyler.

Cassie weakly went down to the ground with all her expression washed away from shock and fear "I remember everything" she whispered as she hugged her knees tight "Including how I got to the warehouse" she said with a terrified expression in her face.

"How did you get there Cass" Danny asked kneeling down beside her.

"Tyler" she whispered as she shivered form the cold.

"Tyler who?" Jesse asked confused.

"Our Tyler Jesse, ... my Tyler he had been acting strange for a while and I decided to follow him to find out what he was up to and then he led me to the warehouse and that's when I saw Brady" she said as she placed her hand on her head that was hurting a bit from the memories that were rushing back to her.

"Cassie you're probably just confused" Phoebe said "it couldn't have been Tyler"

"I would have said the same thing but I have a terrible feeling he was the one who set me up for jail" Caleb explained

"Yeah" Danny chipped in "it's hard to believe but he kept in asking strange questions at the clinic, he acted so weird he acted like he didn't want you to wake up from the coma and when you did he was frightened but when you lost your memory he was relieved"

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now