Fear Incarnate Portion 27

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It was done. The knife was firmly within the skull of the man who used to be his caretaker, the boy was not remorseful however. The man had it coming, he was a drunk and a cheat. The boy still shuddered though, he had watched the light go out of the man's remaining eyes. The chaos ensuing in what the grown ups called the "underhive" had sent the man into another drunken fury, so the boy defended himself. Or at least that's what he hoped he had done. The boy snapped to his senses as the sound of gunfire drew nearer, the boy knew the sound of autoguns but these guns were different. Louder. The boy began to stand, he had to move. Lest the false thunder of those weapons catch him. The boy forced the rusted door to his habitation block open, he squeezed through and almost tripped on the mutilated body pinning the slab of metal. The boy did not give it a second look, he stumbled down the stairs and careened into another body. But this one pushed back. The boy looked up into the eyes of another kid, an understanding went through both of them. And the two began to run, helping each other up when they fell, catching the other when they almost ran into bullets. Together, the two boys ran until they reached the plaza, there they witnessed a battle of titanic proportions. Both boys hunkered down next to a burned out car, they watched with fascination as men covered in runes and marks that disgusted the two fought apparitions of their greatest dreams, and worse nightmares. 

A massive warrior strode down the avenue, smashing aside any who dared oppose him with an immense sword of gold and purity. The boy looked upon this angel of death with rigorous attention, in his mind he formed wings of cascading crimson and a halo of angelic power around the warrior. The problem was, it actually happened. The warrior paused as he was bathed in golden light, his adversaries paused as well. It seemed like time stopped for a full minute until the apparition faded as the boy's attention was taken by the other kid. The warrior shook off his bewilderment and continued the slaughter. The boy turned to his companion with a deadly glare, the immersion of his illusion broken. As was his nose when one of those warriors let the butt of his staff crash into the boys face. "You dare to send your unchained psychic energy against the honorable captain? Fool!" The boy fell back on top of his companion, clutching his nose as it ran rivers of red down the front of his shirt. The pain was dulled by fear as the boy looked up into the face of an enraged warrior. Curiously the boy noticed little tendrils of white lightning play across his armor. The giant reared back to no doubt break the boy in half, until he paused. A massive armoured forearm caught the raised hand of the enraged bearded warrior, the warrior looked to the boys benefactor. The rage dropped quickly as he looked into the eyes of the sword wielder. "Calm yourself brother, this one did not attempt to hurt me with his skills. And the other, well I scarcely know anyone capable of peering past your veil." The sword wielder looked at the still bleeding and scared children. He offered a hand to both, immense palm fully capable of acting as a handhold for both boys. "I see a keen mind and eyes, and I see a talent worthy of service to the Emperor in both of you. Welcome to the Soul Haunters little ones." 


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