Chapter 2: Survive the Beginning!

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Chapter 2: Survive the Beginning!

"Get up you good for nothings!  Get washed up and get in front of your cell gates!  Let's go!"  The Warden boomed.  I awoke instantly, throwing my body towards my sink.  I splashed water on my face and drank a good amount of water from the sink.  I looked in the dirty mirrior and inspected my face.  I needed to shave, but that wasn't very important at this point.  In one motion, I took the salted bread from behind the brick and stashed it inside my orange jumpsuit.  I sat on my cot and put on the combat boots given to us on the first day at Cell Block 8.  In less than five minutes, I was waiting for the Warden at my cell gate.  Today was the Death Match.  Nervous, I stood eager to get into the battlefield and get this thing over with.  The Warden walked past my cell and unlocked the gate.  Three soldiers in uniform came from behind him and locked me in handcuffs, escorting me towards the meeting room.  I entered to meet the other 41 contestants.  The doctor stood at the far end of the room, his back to the giant hologram.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome."  His voice echoed in the room.  "As many of you know, the Death Match is merely hours away from being live.  Let's get to the briefing now shall we."  The hologram came to life and began to spin.  He used his hand to carefully point out some of the important spots. 

"Each of you will start in the middle, the Resevoir as we call it.  Here, you will fight to the death, if you choose, for food, water and weapons.  Let me just say, each of your Region's weapons lies in the Resevoir.  The arena has been dubbed the name Mors Gravis, latin for death grave.  The Government has taken the pleasure of creating an urban area the size of Region 7 for this particular Death Match."  There was a murmur within the room.  Region 7 was known as the largest Region in the entire world.  With this in mind, the Death Match could very well last a year or more, possibly the longest ever.  The doctor continued. 

"Each of you will be allowed one item of your choice, provided by yourself or from Cell Block 8.  There are hidden treasures within Mors Gravis, so please explore if you so please.  The Government and I have esitmated this Death Match to last about one year and 6 months, due to the size of the arena.  Keep in mind that the arena will be split up into multiple biomes."  At that instant, the hologram turned into screenshots of multiple biomes.  There was tundras, forests, deserts, urban areas, oceanic types, tropical and many more.  I was in awe.

"There will be total of two biomes, containing 21 participants in each.  In these two biomes, there are many subbiomes that we can incorporate.  As we speak, the Government is putting the final touches on Mors Gravis.  It is estimated that the size of the arena to be around, oh, 100,000 square miles in diameter.  So please, take your time."  The doctor grinned evilly at this comment.  "Any questions so far?"  Silence.

"Continuing then, there will be animals, known and unknown, scattered throughout Mors Gravis. They are predators and prey, so beware.  I know that each of you are hunters, so being hunted is not going to be a problem I hope.  This is the most effort the Government has ever put into the Death Match in a long time, so please do not disappoint.  Might I include that there are several poisonous plants that lie in the forests of the arena.  They will kill within hours of consumption or some will heal even the most fatal wounds.  Remember, your life is on the line for the pride of your Region.  Any questions?"  The doctor inhaled deeply.  He picked up his white mug and drank the coffee deeply, savouring the intense flavors. 

"Just one: how the hell are we supposed to find each other?" Came a voice. 

"Good question, 31.  Each of you will be given a wristband that has a computer chip within it.  You won't be able to break it; it's made of an alloy stronger than diamonds.  The wristband is basically a radar, able to produce an echolocation type of wavelength that will have a maximum effectiveness of 500 feet, approxmiately a tenth of a mile.  However, using this will make you vulnerable to detection.  Staying on the run will allow you to be invisible to the radar while staying stationary for too long will make you an easy target.  When a person dies, the wristband will stop working and give off a fake signal for up to three hours.  Make wise use of this."  He eyed a person in the front with a mischevious smile.  31 nodded and thanked the doctor. 

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