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"Unlace it, won't you?"

"Here?! In the car?"

"Bryan, for goodness sakes, we're married. Get over it and unlace it."

"But, in the car?"

"Yes, in the car. I would do it myself but my arms don't stretch that far."

I motion towards the back of my wedding dress once again, trying desperately to get Bryan to unlace it. I need to get out of this thing, it's suffocating me.

"Why don't you just wait until we get home?" Bryan asks.

I sigh.

"We're not going home, now take it off."

Judging by Bryan's expression I know that being in the car has absolutely nothing to do with not wanting to unlace my wedding dress, but he does it anyways.

Slowly, he begins to unlace it, and chills run up my spine as he begins to take it off...

...to reveal my swimsuit underneath.

Just in time too, because we've arrived.

"Get out." I tell Bryan, because he looks a little dazed and confused from what just happened.

"You wore your training clothes underneath your wedding dress?" He asks me.

"Yes, yes I did." I tell him.

He gets out of the car, still in his tux.

"Well, I guess I've got some changing to do." He tells me, smiling and shaking his head.

"You better get going; we only have a half hour before we have to be at the starting line." I say.

As we get out of the car, the sunlight catches on Bryan's blonde hair and I'm reminded again how lucky I am to have someone as incredible as him.

I still remember graduation night like it was yesterday.

Bryan blindfolded me once I got in the car and wouldn't tell me where we were going. I had protested like crazy, but, like always, it never worked out. When we arrived he took my hand, and as soon as I felt our fingers intertwined and him guiding me somewhere, I knew I was a goner. That was it. I couldn't fight it half as much as I could when I first realized I loved him. Everything in my whole life had come to revolve around him, just like everything in his world had come to revolve around me. And we just kept on going on in a perfect circle, never slowing down.

When he stopped leading me forward, he told me to keep the blindfold on.

Then he kissed me.

"How does that feel?" He whispered as he broke away.

I was lost for words. But that didn't matter- Bryan filled them in for me.

"The first time I kissed you, Kyra, I completely, totally became yours, even if you weren't completely mine yet." Bryan began.

"And, in that moment, I thought it wasn't possible for me to love you any more than I did right then, because I was so in love with you."

Chills ran up and down my spine and I knew I was blushing like crazy.

"But then, when you were crying as I held you when your kidney was failing, I realized I loved you so much more than the first time we kissed. And then I was sure it wasn't possible to love you any more than I did right then, because I would've done anything for you Kyra. I knew then that I wouldn't hesitate to give my life for you- because you had grown to mean that much to me. More than anyone else meant to me. And then, when you told me we couldn't be together, I knew I was wrong again about not being able to love you more than I already did, because just like having you had been better than every good thing I've ever had combined, losing you was worse than I'd ever imagined. And I lost myself completely, because you'd already taken me for your own, and I couldn't let myself come back no matter how hard I tried. And again and again you proved me wrong Kyra. When I saw you in that homecoming dress, when I asked you about the race and you seemed so nervous, when you refused to give up no matter what the cost, and, my goodness, every time you smiled I lost it."

I could feel myself shaking as behind the blindfold, I began to cry, because I had been through so much and here it was, everything just the way I wanted it with a boy too good for words to describe.

Then, I felt the blindfold being taken off of me, and I waited a moment before opening my eyes to see Bryan in front of me, down on one knee.

I gasped as I realized what was happening, and where we were. Bryan was proposing right where I had stepped over the finish line to finally finish the Ironman. And my word, he was proposing.

My whole life with this boy... I couldn't even comprehend the thought.

"Kyra, this is where you really started. Where we really started, right here at the finish line. And that's the thing about finish lines- they're really only the beginning. And right now, I'm absolutely, one-hundred percent sure that there's no way I can love you any more. But sometime in the future, I will. And I'll keep on loving you more and more until the day I die. And when that happens, I only hope I can be good enough to join you up there in heaven some day. It's forever for both of us."


"Kyra, will you marry me?"

And, even though I had always sworn to myself that crying hysterically and laughing and nearly squealing with joy was ridiculous and totally controllable, it wasn't. I did all of those things, barely even managing to choke out a 'yes' with all the pure elation I was feeling.

And now, here I was with the boy I'd fallen in love with, ready to finish the Ironman yet again.

So, when we got to the finish line, I didn't care we were both soaked in sweat and weaker than I'll get out. I had him, and as long as he was right there, nothing was going to keep me away.

"I love you so much, it's crazy." I tell him.

He grins boyishly back, in that cute nervous way that makes my heart speed up faster than the speed of light.

"Yeah? That's good, because I'm never letting you go."

"Aaand?" I prompted, milking it a little.

"And I love you more than anything and anyone, Kyra." He said.

This is perfect, I think to myself as I smile back at him.

Then, I lace my hand in his and we step over the finish line together.


*** It's over, oh my goodness! I feel so weird, but it will be good to get started on another story too!:) My official second novel completed (and no, I am not posting the first one, it's beyond awful and I wrote it in fifth grade... does that even count?)! Thanks for all of the support, you guys are amazing!<3<3<3 Don't forget to comment and vooote lovlies!:D

Stay beautiful,


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