Finishing Crazy (25)

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“You can go talk to him, you know. It’s not illegal.”

Mariah’s voice cuts through my trance, and I suddenly realize that I’ve been staring at Bryan for quite a while now. I quickly look away from him.

“I can’t talk to him.” I snap, burying myself in my French book, pretending to be studying for a test I have, but in all actuality trying to avoid talking about Bryan.

Mariah sighs. “You can talk to him anytime you want, it’s a free country.”

I put my French book down on the table loudly and glare at her.

For the past two weeks it’s been like this. September’s nearly over, and yet Mariah still hasn’t seemed to be able to accept that Bryan and I are over. Not together.


Mariah raises her hands in defense and then goes back to eating her lunch.

After eating for a few moments in silence, a slim female figure appears at our table. She looks very much like Bryan.

“Hey Brooke.” Mariah says nonchalantly, sticking an enormous forkful of lettuce into her mouth.

“Hello.” Brooke replies politely, thankfully choosing to ignore Mariah’s eating methods.

“What’s up?” I ask her, trying to seem upbeat, even though I’m breaking apart inside.

Brooke looks at me skeptically, seeing right through me. “You don’t have to put up your happy act, Kyra, I already know your life sucks. I live with Bryan, remember?”

I feel a familiar pang inside of my heart when she says his name, and I put up my guard so that I won’t start crying again. Bryan’s in the lunchroom, too. Not next to me, but close enough that if I cry, he’ll see- and I can’t let that happen. I’m supposed to be strong.

I slump down onto the lunch table with my forehead touching the cool wood.

“I don’t understand him.” Brooke mutters under her breath. I don’t know if she’s talking to me or herself, so I pretend like I didn’t hear.

Leaning over, Brooke gives me a hug. As she does I think about how much she reminds me of Bryan, just in girl form.

“I’m sorry.” She says, and then lets go of me, knowing that I don’t want to talk about it right now.

“I’ll be okay.” I tell her, smiling. Only the smile doesn’t quite reach my eyes.

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

“Hellooooooo everyone!” Melanie chirps cheerfully.

Most of the class finds it funny, but I’m not really in the mood for her chipper escapades.

Bryan, who still sits next to me (thanks to Melanie’s “New and improved!” seating chart) turns towards me as if he’s going to make some funny remark about her antics, but then his eyes show confusion and he turns back to the front of the room, like he has suddenly remembered we aren’t talking anymore.

The bell hasn’t even rung yet, but Melanie is always greeting everyone before class begins.

“May the lovely Kyra come join me up at my desk?” She calls, effectively catching my attention and making me scowl at her. I was planning on sleeping until class started.

Actually, if we’re being honest here, I would be sleeping through class, too. It’s so much easier to sleep than to wake up and have to face the reality that Bryan is sitting right next to me and we still aren’t speaking.

Finishing CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now