Finishing Crazy(12)

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Thank you to everyone reading! I've really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you like reading it!:) Please comment and vote!:)

Stay beautiful,


All morning I’ve been calling Bryan. One, five, twenty times, but so far, I’ve gotten nothing but his voicemail. It doesn’t even ring- it must be off.

I can’t believe it. Bryan never turns his phone off. I thought he was taking me to the hospital today for my appointment to make sure I’m okay for the kidney transplant- I mean, my mom did say that he was going to watch out for me, and he’s taken me to most of my hospital visits in the past.

It’s five minutes to eleven and still no answer. I have twenty minutes before my scheduled time and it takes at least ten to drive there. I don’t think Bryan’s coming now, and so I get my bike out of the garage and decide to get there myself when I see a light purple car pull up in the driveway.

“Kyra!” A slim, blonde woman in her twenties says cheerfully.

Suddenly I remember my mom saying something about Mel coming over to check on me. I instantly feel stupid and rush up to greet her.

“Melanie!” I say.

Melanie is one of my older cousins who just moved closer in our area. She used to live with Aunt Laura because the culinary school she went to was only a few minutes away. I absolutely adore her. She’s an incredible person, and even though I never saw much of her at Laura’s house, the few moments I did see her were amazing.

“What’s the bike out for?” She asks, looking slightly confused.

“Oh, I… miscommunication. I’ll go put it away and we can leave in just a sec.” I tell her hurriedly before she has the chance to ask more questions.

“Whatever you say,” Mel says nonchalantly.

I get back out of the house carrying my bag full of pastels and paper, and my phone in my pocket. I check it again, but still nothing from Bryan. I sigh. Won’t he at least wish me luck or something?

I get into the car and put my things down.

“How’s culinary?” I ask Melanie.

“Mm, it’s alright. I’ve got a real knack for cooking but I’m failing my presentation class.” She says coolly. It’s like failing a class doesn’t even matter to her- which of course- it doesn’t.

“Really?” I ask. ”But you’ve always been so good at artistic stuff.” I say.

Melanie laughs as she turns the corner. “What makes you say that, love?”

“I don’t know… you’re makeup always looks nice.” I say lamely.

She turns to me and smiles. “Thanks girl. But honestly, no one has to be an artist to do make-up. And food- that’s a whole different level.”

“Oh,” I say, feeling a little embarrassed.

“How’s summer?” Mel asks me.

“Oh, good.” I tell her. Behind those two words my brain fills up with thoughts of Bryan and long summer bike rides, running, swimming, laughing… I reach down to get out my phone. I hit the center button and involuntarily sigh again. Still nothing.

Hey, I text him, hoping he’ll answer in a few minutes.

“Good? What have you been doing?” She asks, but my mind is still stuck on Bryan as I close my phone and I don’t respond.

Finishing CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now