Chapter Fourteen - Sprained Ankles and Gratitude

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Ashley sprinted up to me as soon as I entered the gym. "Emily!" She wrapped her thin arms around my body and pulled me in with surprising force.

"Morning," I mumbled, my hand patting at her back.

"I have great news!" She chirped excitedly. It was always such a shock to be exposed to Ashley's peppy demeanour so early in the morning. I could barely open my eyes at this point in the day. "I'm in line for a promotion to daytime news! Can you believe it? Daytime!"

"That's incredible, Ashley! I knew you could do it!" I gave her a hug that was a little more willing this time. She really did deserve a better job than the insanely demanding one she had now. "It's going to be amazing to socialize with you outside of vampiric hours."

"I know!" She squealed as we walked into the yoga studio.

We laid our mats on the floor and sat cross legged as we waited for class to start.

"You should ask Jim out to celebrate!" I encouraged her as I bent across my lap to stretch out on the mat.

Ashley pulled her arm over head and proceeded to do the same with the other, "You think? I haven't actually scored the job yet."

"I'm positive he's into you, Ashley. He spends the entire class bantering with you." I spread my legs out and reached for my toes, stretching my fingers out in an attempt to will my body into flexibility.

"He could just be being nice," she mused and I gaped at her as she raised a toned leg over her shoulders.

"Do that move in front of him and there'll be no doubt."

A few students filtered into the room followed by Jim who caught our eyes and waved. We returned the gesture and continued to talk in hushed tones.

"You should do it after class," I prompted Ashley.

Jim bent over with his back facing us as he whipped out his mat onto the floor.

"Woo! Nice angle, Jim!" Ashley practically shouted. Jim twisted around quickly on his heel in alarm and slipped on his mat, landing smack on his butt. He sat there groaning on the floor. 

She turned to me, her cheeks flush with embarrassment, "I have a problem, Emily."

A few minutes later, it was clear that Jim had seriously sprained his ankle and so the class was cancelled as Ashley and I helped walk him to the door.

"I'm so sorry, Jim," Ashley apologized for the thousandth time.

"It's fine, Ash. I'll die knowing it was because of my irresistible ass." Jim moaned as he clung onto each of our shoulders.

"Again," I reminded him, "it looks like a minor sprain." I huffed as I tried to support his weight on my shoulder. "I know you're in pain, but I feel like your classes have done absolutely nothing to build my muscle mass."

"You can't take a yoga class once a week and expect to be a body builder, Emily," Jim chastised.

"I'm so sorry," Ashley repeated.

"I'm just saying, maybe consider a diet after this doctor's appointment." I muttered still making the trek to Ashley's car who had offered to drive him to his appointment.

"I'm at a perfect weight for my height, if you must know." Jim stated, narrowing his eyes at me.

I pursed my lips, "My arms beg to differ."

"I'm so, so sorry," Ashley moaned.

"It's fine!" Jim and I shouted at the same time.

By the time Ashley and I had gotten Jim into her car, I had barely enough time to shower and change before catching a bus to see Daniel.

I checked my watch. Noon on the dot. Perfect timing, I boasted to myself. I knocked on the door and it opened to a grinning Daniel.

"Em, you sly genius, you." Daniel wheeled back leaving room for me to enter. "Please, come in."

I walked in with my eyebrow raised, "What are you talking about?" I asked setting my bag down.

"You convinced my brother!" He exclaimed happily.

"Pshh. Convince? He said you didn't even ask him." I narrowed my eyes at him in accusation.

"It's true, I didn't. But, that's only because he stopped teaching me and wouldn't let me go to his street matches anymore-"

"-you really shouldn't be going to those anyhow." I interrupted matter-of-factly.

Daniel continued, ignoring my comment, "so naturally, I assumed he'd say no to continuing the classes. But you. You. You did it!" He wheeled a bit closer to me and reached his arm out to hug my waist gently.

I wrapped a hand around his shoulder. "I'm sure you're feeling pretty grateful there." I trailed, patting his shoulder.

"You're like a sister to me, Em," Daniel said dramatically.

"Great! Let's start on your physical therapy then!" I stated excitedly.

Daniel groaned, "That's harsh, Em."

I laughed walking into the living room, "Come on, it won't be so bad."

An hour later, Daniel was panting though he had absolutely no reason as it was mostly stretching that we'd done. He was such a character.

"What time are we leaving for the fight? I asked Daniel as he leaned back in his chair with his arms behind his head.

"It's at 8 tonight. I know it'll be a bit late for you," he said leaning forward.

I waved him off with my arm, "It's always been a dream of mine to sit up close to a professional fight. You can really feel the sweat," I said sarcastically.

He grinned at me, "That's where all the hot chicks are."

"And us apparently?" I asked drily and he burst out laughing. "I don't know how your brother's going to fight with all his injuries." I said thinking out loud.

Daniel's face fell and I silently reprimanded myself for saying that in front of him. "Weren't you the one telling me that he never loses? Don't make me question your judgment now," I teased, trying to get his mind off of it.

He smiled at me and I breathed a sigh of relief, "You're right. He is pretty great. I just feel guilty is all." His smile dropped.

"Why on earth would you feel guilty?" I asked incredulously. Daniel was the sweetest, most thoughtful brother and I was sure Lucas knew how lucky he was to have him. "Lucas loves you. And you're such a good brother." I told him honestly.

He was silent for a long time before finally responding, "He does street fights to pay my medical bills, Em."

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