Chapter Fifty Two - Signing Troubles and Hospital Stays

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I looked across the cage where Silva and Lucas stood, separated only by an announcer holding a microphone.

On the opposite end of the cage I spotted Daniel, Miguel, and Kyle. They looked nervous. That made four of us.

Miguel and Kyle were focused on Lucas and Silva in the cage but Daniel was looking at me.

He shot me a smile and a small wave. I returned it, feeling ridiculous for waving at a time like this.

He gestured to his phone and then to the exit, making a few seemingly random gestures in between. I shook my head at him and mouthed an exaggerated "What?"

He repeated the gesture as though I'd spontaneously understand the random movements, this time lifting his fist in the air and twirling it around. I waved my arms in exasperation this time. "What?!"

He threw his hands up in the air and rolled his eyes. He was annoyed with me?!

Miguel seemed to notice Daniel at this point and turned to scold him. Daniel gestured to me and back to Lucas before he pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"These men need no introduction! Former reigning champion, Silva the Axe Murderer and current middle weight champion, Lucas Miller!" An announcer presented the two fighters in the middle of the ring.

Silva stood with a sneer splattered across his face. That introduction had probably left him wanting to murder the announcer. In fact, the announcer saw this and took an unsure step backwards.

"Er, both exceptional fighters! No competition there!" The announcer corrected quickly, "without further ado!" He backed off and wiped a hand across his sweaty forehead, his panic clear in his face as he stepped out of the cage.

Silva rubbed his hands together before dashing forward towards Lucas, fists already swinging.

Lucas placed his arms in front of his face to protect himself. Silva changed his position and jabbed into Lucas's ribs, hitting continuously.

Lucas used his leg to uppercut Silva, who stepped back in disorientation.

Lucas used this to his advantage as he leapt forward and pounded into Silva's face. He was striking so fast and with so much force it looked like he was using a speed punching bag - the bag being Silva's head.

Lucas's eyes were trained forward as Silva reached into the waist band of his shorts and pulled out a knife.

He took a swipe at Lucas who jumped back quickly. "No!" I shouted in horror.

Underground fights had no rules but this was sleazy even for Silva. I looked to Kaz who looked just as surprised as I was. "This is the man of honour that you've given your loyalty to?" I snapped angrily.

He said nothing to me, but his silence spoke volumes. He was in too deep. This was his world just as much as it was Silva's, though he tried to rationalize it. You couldn't. This was wrong.

Silva swiped his dagger again and slashed into Lucas's side, blood rushing out of the gash. He used this moment to jab at Lucas's leg. Lucas was trying in vain to avoid the knife, but Silva looked maniacal, holding his knife like an extension of his arm and jabbing wildly.

I could see Lucas's face calculating. He eyed the knife, Silva's face, and finally Silva's stance. He paused for a moment and jumped on Silva's body as Silva held the knife upwards. It pierced him somewhere from his abdomen to his chest but I couldn't see where it hit.

Lucas's arms curl around Silva's throat, grasping him in a guillotine chokehold, he grips his head as he falls backwards, intending on disarming Silva.

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