Chapter Thirty Six - Early Morning Drives and Nice Asses

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"Emily," I heard someone whisper as I felt a nudge against my arm. "Are you awake?" The voice carried on.

"Go away," I groaned rolling over on my bed.

"Emily," The voice repeated in a sing-songy voice.

"I don't want to," I whined taking my pillow and using it to cover my face.

"Emily!" The voice screeched and I jumped up in a panic nearly smacking my head against Aunt Betty as she sat and stared at me with a wide grin. Aunt Greta was somewhere behind her no doubt, lurking. "Want to go for a drive?" She grinned at me.

I gaped at her, turned to check my clock and gaped at her again as the time flashed 5:36 AM. "I'd prefer not to!"

"Come on!" Aunt Greta pounced from behind Betty and I let out another shriek. Betty put her hand over my mouth to muffle the screams, "Could you not?"

I gave her a dry look as she slowly removed her hand, "Please, let me know how you'd like me to react the next time I'm accosted at an ungodly hour."

"Agreeing to go along with it is a start," Betty smiled mischievously as she tugged on my arm to get up. I knew I'd never be allowed to go back to sleep so I shuffled lazily out of my bed and put my robe and fuzzy slippers on.

My aunts raised their eyebrows at me questioningly, "What?" I asked self consciously tugging my robe closed a little tighter.

"Don't you want to wear something a little... nicer?" Greta asked looking at me head to toe.

"Nope," I replied shoving past them, "I plan to sleep the entire way anyway."

Two hours, four donuts, a slushy, and a snack stop into our road trip, and it was clear that I should have changed and that I currently felt sick. I moaned dramatically in the passenger seat as Greta drove like a maniac on the roads.

Betty poked her head from the backseat and attached her phone from the backseat to the car's speakers. The sound of drums beating rhythmically blaster from the speakers. I reached to turn it down when the drums began to sync with the pounding in my head as Betty snapped from the backseat, "I'm meditating."

"You should try it," Greta encouraged as she raced down the freeway.

"She needs it," Betty confirmed, popping an eye open and reaching for a gummy bear before returning to her state of zen.

The sound of sirens blared and Greta flinched, "Shit. Shit. Shit." She repeated nervously. She turned the drums all the way down - oh, so she was allowed to do that?

"Okay, relax. I've got this." Greta murmured to herself as she pulled over and gathered her hair into a neat bun. She grabbed a pair of oversized, thick glasses from the console and slipped them on, buttoning her cardigan as she did so. "Everyone act naturally. Act naturally!"

There was a tap on the window and we all jumped. There stood a young looking officer as Greta rolled the window down. "Morning Ma'am, my name is Officer Leo Browning. Are you aware how fast you were driving?"

"Oh good morning, young man," Greta spoke with a shaky, weak voice and my mouth fell open as I stared at the stranger in front of me, "My lord, was I speeding? I never quite know anymore. I was just trying to give my lovely granddaughter a rest here. She works so hard," Greta turned to gaze at me lovingly before turning back to the officer, "My goodness, I must have lost track of the speed limit. My eyes aren't what they used to be."

"Ah, well that's no problem at all, ma'am. Though perhaps you should let your granddaughter drive? It doesn't seem like the safest idea for you to be driving such long distances." The officer said as he took a look at her driver's license.

"You are absolutely correct. My, I can't believe I even took that chance. You don't know me, but I'm the very soul of responsibility. There's not a blemish on this record, officer. I don't know what came over. Sometimes my mind just wanders. It isn't what it used to be," Greta put her face into her hands in despair.

"There, there," the officer responded politely, looking unsure of how to proceed, "There's nothing to fret about. Just let your granddaughter drive the rest is the way."

Greta's head perked up immediately, "Oh, thank you young man. Bless you. I don't know how I could ever thank you."

"Don't mention it. Just stay safe," the cop folded his notebook up and began to walk back to his car.

"Check out that ass!" Greta whistled a little too loudly. The officer swivelled his head to peer questioningly at us, "Emily! My goodness, have some respect for men in uniform. I'm so sorry, sir!" I hid my face in my hands, my cheeks blazing at my sheer desperation to get out of this situation as Greta whispered loudly enough for the officer to hear, "She's a sex addict-"

"Okay! That's enough!" I opened the car door and stumbled out, my fluffy pink robe sashaying around me as I swung the driver's seat open and shoved Greta out of the car. "Thank you officer, we'll be sure to follow the speed limit the rest of the way!"

Greta and Betty's laughs could be heard even after the doors were shut and I turned to glare at them.

After coming home and spending time with my aunts and my dad, my dad dropped me off back at my bus stop. But this time, I was excited to go home, because for the first time in a long time, I felt like I had missed my crappy apartment and my small life with Daniel and Lucas.

"I'll miss you, dad," I threw my arms around him and returned the gesture, making me feel like a child again.

"I'll miss you, too. Come back soon. I won't tell your aunts next time." He chuckled, but I could hear his voice, thick with emotion.

I laughed, "They're not that bad. They love me."

"They do. We all do." He leaned away and brushed a tear from the corner of his eye. "And if you're dating that boy now, I'd like to meet him."

A day ago, I would have said it was too early to even consider to meeting each other. But, after last night, I wasn't so sure. My hands automatically went to my angel wing necklace. I wonder how Lucas would fare with meeting my family?


Not loving this, but anyway here it is. Thoughts? I'd love to hear from you!

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